Delivery for Satan.

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Enji Todoroki was five years old when he heard Satan's voice for the first time.

The Devil King's voice sliced through his mind like a hot knife through warm butter. However, that pain was soon forgotten mere moments after hearing the sweet, seductive words the King had to say.

Two years later he fell under Satan's complete control. He was a dog seeking praise for following it's master's orders. And follow them he did.

If Satan wanted something done, Enji did it no questions asked. At twelve he murdered his father in his sleep, a year later his mother met the same date. After all, they were going to stop him from becoming a Hero. From achieving ultimate power.

After becoming a well respected Hero, the orders changed. Enji soon found himself dismantling small religious groups, sometimes burning their church's to the ground. He tarnished the name of other Heroes, using his power as the Number Two Hero to do so. All beacuse Satan wanted them gone.

However, that all changed the day he became a father. The spell Satan had put him under shattered into a thousand pieces as he gazed into the face of his baby boy.

Seventeen years later he would find himself gazing into the blue inferno caused by his son in his final moments. And it was all Satan's fault.

And today, was the final straw. He was going to kill that winged bastard even if he had to die trying.

Panting, Endeavor rose to his feet. The city was no more. Buildings that once housed the families of thousands laid in ruins, destroyed by one of the Kings of Hell.

All the remained was the bunker, full of terrified citizens, and he would be damned if he were to let a single person come to harm.

"Miruko, can you still fight?" Endeavour asked.

"My left arm is pretty busted, but I can still kick these fuckers where it hurts." The Rabbit Hero replied.

"Good. I'm going to take the winged one on head on, you try to sneak around and take him from behind."


Miruko leapt away, dissapering into the mounds of rubble.

Endeavour, meanwhile walked towards Satan, his flames flaring hotter then he'd ever had them before.

"You sent the women away." Satan remarked as he watched Endeavor come closer. "If you're trying to make up for all the shitty things you've done, you're out of luck. When you die-"

"When I die, I'll die with honor." Endeavour interrupted. "I will die kneeling in front of the world whilst my head is served from my shoulders."

Satan narrowed his eyes in confusion, and in that moment Endeavor attacked. A spear of fire rocketed through the air, and slammed into Satan's stomach, causing him to stagger backwards.

"I know I have committed some horrendous sins-"

A second spear flew through the air, this one lodging itself in Satan's shoulder.

"-And I am prepared to face the consequences of my actions-"

Satan narrowly managed to avoid the third one, a small cut opening on his face.

"-After all, I don't have anything left to lose."

The forth and final one pierced Satan's wing, burning a massive hole in it.

"You, ungrateful sack of shit!" Satan screamed, hurling himself at Endeavor.

"I gave you everything, power, reputation your freedom and this is how you repay me!"

Pain flared throughout Endeavor's body as he was struck repetitively by the Devil's fists.

"Hiyaha!" Miruko cried, swinging her leg down in a fatal arc. Faster then physically possible, Satan grabbed Miruko's leg and snapped it in half.

"How utterly predictable." Satan remarked. "Fucking mortals."

"Then what about you?" A voice radiating divine authority asked.

Endeavour imeaditly regretted looking up, as the searing light from the Angel's wings sent another wave of pain through his head.

"You say mortals are predictable, and yet so are you. You were set free from your prison and the first things you do is attack the mortals."

"Michael." Satan growled, hopping off of Endeavour's stomach.

"Satanael." Michael replied.

"That's not my name."

"My apologies, you seem to be correct there. For the Satanael that I remember was a kind, caring and loving elder brother. You are a pale, disgusting imitation of him and quite frankly, you make me sick. You are not deserving of such a high praise and I promise I won't make that mistake a second time."

"Why are you here, I mean you certainly can't think that you're capable of fighting Lucifer, Bezelzebub and myself do you?"

"No. I'm simply the messenger, and I've got a package for you."

The air suddenly become heavy at Michael's words and a primal fear washed over Endeavor.

The air in-between the three of them shimmered as a skinny, pale arm crawled through it. A second followed, and gripped onto the edge of the air shimmer. Moments later the rest of the body followed suit.

This Angel was completely completely different when compared to Michael. Where he radiated warmth and perfection, this one was cold and something else Endeavor couldn't quite figure out.

"W-what is that?" Satan asked, taking a step back.

"Oh that's right, you were in Hell during the Second Holly War. Well you see, this is the grandchild of Adam and Lilith. She's technically our niece. Satan, I'd like you to meet Ezekiel, the Angel of Fear."

"But F-fear is a, a-"

"A human thing." Endeavour said aloud.

Ezekiel was not a normal Angel. She was part human, or at least conceptually part human.

Which means what was happening right now was no mere jailbreak. This was the start of the Third Holly War.

"Remember boy." A long forgotten memory whispered in Endeavour's head. "There will come a time in which the armies of Heaven and Hell march across the world one last time, the gateways to both realms shattered and broken beyond repair. The souls of the innocent will be claimed by the Reaper and the rest will be forced to indure a world of their own sin, or die."

"Fuck." Endeavour said, realizing just how bad their situation was. Moments later, it began to rain.

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