Breaking the Seals.

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Azure flames lit up the surroundings, turning everything it touched to ash. Trees burned until they were little more then charred stumps, and entire lakes of water boiled away.

Thousands of bodies littered the baked earth. Each one a soldier of Heaven who failed to kill her.

"How barbaric." A cynical voice called out, walking through the smoke. "Though, that is to be expected of you, isn't it Pati?"

"Ligare." She snarled, her wings flaring up in rage.

The lines coursing around the Angel's body lit up as he settled into a fighting stance.

"It's time for you to die." They said simultaneously as they launched into battle.

As the two collided, a massive shockwave echoed off of them and...

Momo Yaozarouzu awoke with a gasp, bolting up in her seat. Unfortunately, as she did something deep inside her psyche broke, causing it's own shockwave in it's wake. Fortunately, all it seemed to be was a small wave of concussive air, simply disrupting the belongings in her room.

Unbeknownst to her, this single accidental action would put into motion the End Times.


Fumikage Tokoyami was standing in the middle of the shopping isle when it happened. A wave of pain washed over his body, forcing him to his knees.

"Hahahaha!" His shadow laughed, seeping out from beneath him. "I thank you for being such a nice host for the past fifteen years. As such I won't be killing you. Yet."

Moments later the sounds of sheer terror and agony filled the air as his demon began it's mindless slaughter.

With tears of pain slipping down his face, he began to crawl away from the scene of the slaughter. He had no clue what had happened, or why his demon was free. However, what he was sure about is that unless he got away from here, he was going to die.


Ibara Shiozaki stood at the top of the stairs leading to the shrine, a horde of lesser demons clambering to the top.

With a shield in one hand and a spear in the other, she would defend this shrine, and those cowering within until her last breath.

A small beam of light appeared at the tip of her spear and began to grow in size.

"You there." Ibara yelled, addressing a red haired boy.

"Me?" He replied.

"Yes you, you go to UA as well don't you?"

"Yes. I'm in your class."

"Good. Go to those hiding within, find anyone willing or capable to fight. Inside the alter you'll find a collection of weapons, those have all been blessed. Bring them here."

"Yes Ma'am!" He replied with a salute.

'I don't know who broke the seal, but when I find them I'll send them to Hell with all of you.' She thought, firing the ball of light into the crowd.

Much to her horror a figure suddenly sprang up from the horde and swallowed the ball of Holly Magic.

"Foolish mortal, did you really think that you could stop me, Mammon Lord of Gluttony?" The figure spoke, slowly solidifying as he did.

A deep, primordial fear washed over Ibara. This was no Demon. One of the Seven Devil Kings had come to personally eradicate them. This was much worse then she originally thought.

"Okay, change of plans." Ibara said as the red haired boy reappeared, a small group of people with him. "We do our best to hold them off until Father arrives."


UA Academy crumbled around Aizawa as Izuku was thrown through several walls.

This was not good. Nope. Not at all. If his assumption was correct, then several if not all of the major seals were broken. Someone had unleashed Hell on Earth, and they were all going to die beacuse of it.

"What's wrong, Son of Adam?" The creature roared. "I thought you were meant to be strong, I guess that was just a lie."

Izuku's response was a primal roar of rage that shook the barely stable school. Suddenly, thousands of dark chains sprang forward from every surface.

Each chain flew through the air, impossibly changing trajectory mid-flight and hooked into the beast.

"I'm weak? Who decided that?" Izuku asked. "You attack my territory, destroy my home, and wreck the pride and joy of my friend? You have lost the privilege of existing in my world. Now perish."

With a simple snap of his finger, Izuku caused the chains to self destruct, spraying bits of Demon everywhere.


All Might and Endeavor stood at the entrance of the bunker. They would be the last two to enter, and would only enter once all nearby civilians were inside and if there was space for them.

"Oh, Enji." A sadistic and very familiar voice called out.

Suddenly, three figures appeared in the centre of the city square. The shortest of the three, stood in the middle, his hand resting on the shoulder of his son.

His youngest son, stood there eyes wide with fear and on the verge of tears.

He took a step forward, however All Might held his arm out blocking his path.

"We need to approach this with caution." The Number One Hero said. "I know they have your son, but that's three out of seven of the Kings of Hell."

"You think I don't know that." Endeavour hissed.

"Enji, I justed wanted to thank you personally. Even though you cost me the Child of Wrath by driving your eldest into suicide, this boy was more then enough."

"What do you mean?" Endeavour growled.

"Oh, just that he had more then enough strength to shatter three seals on how own. And as such, he is no longer useful to me."

Time seemed to come to a near stop, as the Devil picked his son up by his neck and throw him into the air. Shouto's screams of terror reached Endeavour's ears and shattered his heart into pieces.

Moments later, gravity took hold and Shouto plummeted, landing on the Devil's horns.

"Oh, oops. Looks like I got something on my head." He said, as he tore Shouto off of his body and dropped him onto the ground.

Endeavor collapsed to his knees, his face frozen in horror.

"Don't you know it's implement to not return to boy to his father?" The tallest of the Kings said.

He grabbed Shouto by his hair, and tossed him across the ground, letting him skid to a stop right in front of Endeavour.

Seeing his son's broken body before him, snapped him out of his trance and Endeavor exploded in rage, flying across the street right towards the smiling Kings of Hell.

"Endeavour stop!" All Might yelled, but it was to late. Endeavour had fallen right into their trap.

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