Undecided Love Choice

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So, it's friday afternoon and I STILL haven't decided if I want to go to the dance.

" What if people made fun of what I wore ? What is Sam is there and she finds me embarrassing if I was around her, what if Paulina doesn't like the way I dance or... "

I stopped thinking about this and tried to think of something positive whether it would be if I should go or not. I called Tucker But he didn't answer, he said he was doing " homework " yeah right like Tucker even does schoolwork at home when he's probably playing DOOMED.

The video game we all three play in our computers in our free time, and honestly I don't blame him I still can't

Anyways, I called Sam next, as I was waiting I realized.

" What if Sam finds it weird that I'm calling her about the dance, will she even go ? Will she.. " then jazz came into me room.

" Danny Mom said dinners ready. " Jazz said, " *sigh* alright then.. " I replied slouching in my chair.

Jazz walks to my bed and sits on it, and says; " What's Wrong Danny ? Aren't you excited for the dance ? I think your friends will be there ! "

I looked up to her, she started to sound like mom. " I'm not as excited, what if people make fun of me..? " I said looking away.

Jazz sighed and held my hands and told me; " Don't Worry about what others think of you, just be yourself Danny that's the ONLY way you can feel relieved. "

I almost teared up from her words, knowing she was encouraging me to try and go knowing I did want to but not exactly wanting to.

She hugged me and comforted me,
" JAZZ ! DANNY ! HURRY UP YOUR FOOD IS GETTING COLD ! " dad said letting us know.

I honestly didn't know who I should go with either, Sam, Paulina, Sam, Paulina.. their both beautiful okay and sam is nicer and she's more friendly to me most of the time, sure we argue but friends do that sometimes.

Okay, I've decided.

I'm going to the dance AND I'm taking Paulina to the dance.

I know that maybe you're wondering why not Sam..? Well.. sure we do kind of.. well we sort of... Grr.. I can't find the right words !

Just.. give me a moment I don't know who to choose..

If I chose Paulina I could actually win her heart and be one of her friends, The cool kids !

If I chose Sam, Then... Well.. maybe we would be.. Ugh, Why can't I think of any predictions for Sam !? Do I really think that Paulina is THE one ? Or am I just a
Fool in love that would be crushed by rejection..

Danny Phantom || Danny × Sam || DP Fanfic  Part 1 ( Unfinished )Where stories live. Discover now