Chapter 2

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"Yue?" He called lowly as he slowly sat up, his head turning around the room. He tried to listen for any hint of the male who had saved him, yet he heard nothing. Not a single bump, a single step, a single breath. He swallowed thickly, unable to deny the fear he felt at being left alone. This town was unknown to him and worse than that, he did not have a single idea where he was.

He called again only to be met with silence. He cursed and stumbled to his feet. He shuffled his feet, reaching out with his hand as he tried to feel around. After a moment, he felt something jam into his side causing him to flinch, cursing in pain. His hands touched a counter top and he used that to guide himself until he felt a sink and kept going, hitting a stove and a fridge. After a moment of hesitation, he turned his back to the counter and began walking forward. His palms soon hit another wall and he followed it until he found the door and pushed it open.

"Yue?!" He could feel his voice beginning to feel panicked as he shuffled his feet forwards. He let out a yelp as he fell forward, catching himself on his hands and knees. His fingers curled in the dirt and he kept his head bowed, his back curved. It had not occurred to him that the man might abandon him; after he saved him, he had assumed he would stay. He felt tears well in his eyes, a feeling that caused him to let out a pained noise. It stung and he felt something roll down his cheek slowly.

He sat there for minutes before he heard a voice say his name.

"Ming Wei." His head shot up at the soft, familiar voice and he let out a soft sob.

"Yue-" He whispered and he felt a hand grasp his arm, carefully lifting him to his feet.

"What happened?"

"I thought-I thought you left." He whispered as he grasped tightly to Yue's robes, his grip desperate to keep the male from leaving.

"Look at you. You've done made your eyes bleed and you are all dirty." The man's voice sounded taunting as he guided him inside.
"Step up." He did as told, carefully stepping up as Yue guided his steps into the house and back to the bed.

"Where were you?" He mumbled the words. There was silence for a moment before Yue spoke.

"I didn't expect a guest. I went to the nearest town to get some more supplies." He explained. Ming Wei felt Yue's hands begin to untie the cloth. It fell down to his lap and there was more silence before he felt a hand grasp his hair. The grip caused him to wince, though he tilted his head back as Yue pulled the strands. 
"Your hair is knotted."

And just like that, his hair was released. Ming Wei was confused by the interaction, but did not comment on it as he heard the male's footsteps followed by the dripping of water. This time, he expected the cool cloth that touched his face. The two said nothing to one another as Yue worked carefully on cleaning him before his hands began to wrap the cloth back around his eyes.

"Thank you." Ming Wei said quietly once he was done. He felt a dip in the bed beside him and hesitated, reaching out to brush his fingers slowly along Yue's leg and then touching his abdomen and other leg. He had one leg propped up on the bed, his knee bent and as he felt him, he found his arms were crossed, holding onto it.

"What are you doing?" He was given a low chuckle and Ming Wei hesitated before he spoke.

"I can't see you. I just...want...I want some sort of visual." He admitted. There was silence for a moment before he received a quiet chuckle.

"I have black hair like yours and I keep it pulled up in a full bun most of the time. I leave two strands of hair down in the front. My robes are black with some red and I use a red ribbon to keep my hair pulled back." The explanation was low and he hesitated before he spoke again.

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