Chapter 4

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Ming Wei was woken by the feeling of Bai Cheng's body being ripped from beneath him. He let out a startled noise, quickly sitting up and pulling the covers to hide his bare body.

"Ming Wei, do not move." Bai Cheng commanded firmly. Ming Wei released a shuddering breath, his brows knitting in confusion as he stared unseeingly ahead.

"Is...Is someone else here?" He asked lowly. His fingers inched towards his sword, slowly gripping the hilt. Though he was startled to feel a sharp sting on his skin from the hilt of a sword hitting the top of his hand.

"I come to rescue you, Ming Wei, and this...this is what I find." Ming Wei was startled by the familiar voice, his breath hitching. He had not heard that voice in month's, yet he knew he would never forget it.

"Ping Wang?" He released a shuddering breath as he slowly, carefully stood from the bed. He hesitantly took a step forward, about to take another when Bai Cheng spoke sharply.

"He has a sword pointed at your throat." The words caused Ming Wei to halt immediately, his fingers shaking. He hated not being able to see, not understanding what was going on.

"And you?" He whispered quietly.

"Yes. He has two. One directed at you and the other at me. You are three paces away." Bai Cheng's voice was level despite the situation. Ming Wei slowly took three steps forward, pausing when he felt the metal at his throat.

"I am going to take you home and this....this thing is going to finally die-"

"No!" Ming Wei interrupted Ping Wang sharply, his upper lip curling as he quickly hit the sword away, diving towards where he had heard Bai Cheng's voice. He moved in front of him, clasping a firm hold of Ping Wang's sword.
"I won't let you kill him, Ping Wang." 

"He has killed many, many people. Our main goal has been to capture him." Ping Wang snapped harshly.
"And it is time for you to come home, Ming Wei."

"Ping Wang, I am begging you. We have been friends for many, many years. Since we were children. Do not do this." Ming Wei said quietly as he knelt in front of Bai Cheng; he refused to allow Ping Wang to continue to threaten him with his sword.

"He is a monster! He has brainwashed you-"

"He protected me! You abandoned me on the battlefield and he is the one who saved me!" Ming Wei snapped and he felt Bai Cheng's hand grasp the covers wound around his body, slowly pulling him closer back to him.
"Please, Ping Wang. What has he done since he escaped?" 

His voice was pleading as he stared where he assumed his friend was.
"That doesn't change what he has done."

"What? Killed bad men?! You and I would have done it had he not!" Ming Wei shouted. 

"He is deceiving you!" Ping Wang shouted back and he heard an irritated noise from Bai Cheng behind him.

"Yes, I made it a habit to fuck those I am deceiving." He drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Ming Wei bit his lip, his cheeks flushing. Though it was clear what they had done; they were both bare in the bed when Ping Wang had found them.

"Please, my friend, just leave us be. Please. We have done nothing; we barely even leave the village. I no longer have to follow useless commands and I am happy. Please, please do not take this from me." Ming Wei pleaded.

"And how long before he kills again?" 

"Not long if you keep this up." Bai Cheng muttered, sounding rather bored of the conversation. He stood from where he had been shoved to the ground, gently tugging Ming Wei to his feet.


"Let's get your robes back on at the very least." Bai Cheng completely ignored Ping Wang's command as he bent down to grab Ming Wei's robes from the previous night. He turned Ming Wei to face him and it caused the smaller male to frown.

"Aren't you concerned?" He whispered.

"Hardly. He isn't going to do anything." Bai Cheng sniffed.
"You just can't see his face to determine that. Now, no more pleading. You are plenty above that." His tone was scolding now as he gently helped Ming Wei into the robes. There was silence for a moment as Ping Wang watched before he cursed and Ming Wei heard the sound of a sword slowly being sheathed.

"My father expects you back home, Ming Wei." Ping Wang's voice was low as he turned his back to them, refusing to watch as Bai Cheng carefully dressed Ming Wei and then himself.

"Well he can suck it." Ming Wei said coldly. There was silence for a moment before Ping Wang spoke lowly.

"This should help your eyes. I heard about it while I was in town. The man you faced, he is pretty known for this technique. The herbs are difficult to find but...I've been searching for weeks." Ping Wang said lowly as he passed a bag off to Bai Cheng, though the glare he gave him was a harsh and hateful one.
"Hot, hot water and let the leaves soak." Ping Wang soon turned to Ming Wei.

"Let's sit." Ming Wei suggested lowly as he made his way carefully to the table. He could hear the sound of Bai Cheng digging around in the cabinets, though he ignored it as he focused on his friend. He began to talk softly, explaining to him everything that had happened since the battle they had been separated at. Ping Wang told him of the many losses they had suffered, how some had claimed to have seen Ming Wei fallen. However, they had not discovered his body and so Ping Wang had been searching to find him again.

"Although I did not expect to run into you at the market with him." Ping Wang's head jerked towards Bai Cheng, earning an irritated sniff from the man who was clearly still listening. Though Ming Wei was startled by his words.

"That was you?"

"Yes." Ping Wang nodded and Ming Wei scowled, turning his head towards Bai Cheng.

"I hope you have a guilty look on your face." He huffed at him.

"Oh yes, I certainly do." The sarcasm irked Ming Wei who glowered before turning back to Ping Wang.

"I didn't know." He said lowly, though Ping Wang hardly seemed bothered.

"It's done." Bai Cheng grunted. Ping Wang nodded and stood.

"Grab the two bags of leaves and place them on Ming Wei's eyes." Ping Wang commanded as he grabbed the sides of Ming Wei's head, gently tilting it back. Bai Cheng made his way over and Ming Wei hissed out a breath at the heat on his skin. They sat like that for some time, though the hands on his head moved and soon were replaced with a rougher pair which were more calloused. 

"I want you to be the first thing I see." Ming Wei whispered softly to Bai Cheng as they sat there. He was granted a quiet chuckle followed by a slow, gentle kiss on his lips.

"Of course, my love." He whispered quietly as his fingers gently massaged his temples. After the bags cooled, Ming Wei squeezed his eyes shut as they were slowly removed.

Ming Wei did as told, slowly opening his eyes. He was surprised to be met with light, though his vision felt incredible blurry. He blinked a few times, the blurriness slowly fading and giving way to a man's face in front of him. He sucked in a sharp breath and his eyes met the dark eyes of Bai Cheng's.

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