The pain of separation drowns me,
the memories of laughter still haunt me
No matter what I do
I can't bring myself to forget
the splendors of our past,
the love that I have lost.
No matter where I am,
I can't convince myself
to not hope of your presence
for you have already left.
I don't understand
whether to love you for you chose your family
or to hate you that I wasn't a part of it.
Every day I tell myself;
Repeat it as a prayer rhyme,
that I shall no longer be affected by you,
that I should no longer
think of you to be with me.
Its darkening to know
that you still matter,
even after you destroyed me,
Its suffocating to know that
Together is something we'll never be.
Yet I try to find that one ray of light
That will pacify me until death,
That you too still wait for me.