chapter 2

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The man parks in front of a big castle like house in the middle of nowhere. Trees surrounds it, beautiful trees with red flowers. Because of the beautiful sight I shutup and stare in amazement.

"Get out." He orders. I got out just to see whats going on. I take my luggage out of the van, he took the other. He knocks on the door.
Why would you knock on your own house door?

I look at him suspicious. I then turn my focus for a way to escape.

If I run I'm either get captured again or I will get lost and die.

I work out my reasoning. I decide not to run, not right now at least. The door opens and I see 5, smiling sweetly, faces.

"Welcome (y/n)!" They scream.


They chuckle.

"Cute." T.O.P smiles.

"She's stubborn though, very thick skin." Says the man that brought me here.

"Come in." Taeyang invites. I walk in and they shut the door on the person that brought me here.

"Do you have any clue why you're here?" GD whispers in my ear with his arms around my waist hugging me from behind.

"N-no." I stutter still star struck by the 5 guys.

"Thought she would know." Taeyang says.

"You, my dear, are our new maid." I can feel GD chuckling behind me.

"You really didn't know that your mom sold you to us?" Daesung smiles warmly at me. I shake my head no while getting out of GDs grip. He pouts cutely.

"C'mon (y/n) one more hug." GD jokes.

"No." I laugh. The guys warm sweet look changes to cold glares.

"Uh did I do something wrong?"

"Here's your first lesson. You do not say no to us, got that?" Seungri, obviously annoyed, explains.

"Yes -.-"

"Second, always call us sir I'm really picky about that."

"What?!  Im not calling you sir." I turn toward the door walking away till Seungri pulled my hair. "Yah let go!" I reach for his hands.

"Say it properly." His grip gets tighter, the rest of them just laugh.

"How do I say it properly?!"

"Figure it out I bet your smart." He chuckles as he pulls my hair more.

"Please let go sir." I say calmly. He lets go and pats my head.

"Good girl."

"Now let me show you to your room." T.O.P grins. I walk away looking at them all. T.O.P leds me upstairs into a huge room that was full of furniture. The walls are peach colored along with all the other things there except the bed which is pure black. I see a walk in closet also. I let out a sigh and lay on the bed. T.O.P laughs.

"Here's your uniform that you are to wear here." He points to 8 maid uniforms that were completely identical. I look at him.

"Isn't this a bit......revealing?" I sit up on the bed.

Does this even count as clothes? The whole thing was lacy and see through. The white apron barely covered my bottom half and the ripples on the sides definitely seemed pretty. It would show my body shape. The chest area had ripples that are supposed to go under each breast when I put it on....this definitely doesn't count as clothes.
"Thats the point, and when you wear it you can not wear a bra. Now here are some rules." He hands me a paper. Surprisingly it isn't that many rules.

Rule 1:always obey us

Rule 2:never leave the house without permission.

Rule 3: tell no one your here

Rule 4:you do everything a normal maid does even if you're not a normal maid.

"Not a normal ma-"

"Hurry up and get dressed in your uniform my sweet." He lands a quick peck on my lips.

T.O.P kissed me?  On the lips?

He walks out leaving me on the bed silent.

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