Chapter 17

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Once I walked into the house t.o.p pulled me away from taeyang and pushed me on the wall. I felt light headed,I remember a faint memory.
"Don't touch me"I said barely able to stand up. I was in this exact position,with t.o.p.
"What's wrong?"Daesung ran to my side.
"Its- its nothing just a memory."he walked me over to the couch,I glanced at t.o.p. he knows exactly what I'm remembering,I'll never forget the fear and worry in his eyes. The fear and worry that I'd hate him after I gain my memories.
"(Y/N) what did you remember?"Daesung asked,All the guys were in the room.
"Its nothing."I smiled a little at t.o.p "I just need some water" honestly I remember nothing except being in that position with t.o.o
What is he afraid of? Why doesn't he want me to remember?
Taeyang came back in with a bottle of water for me. I silently thanked him and drunk my water. All of there eyes was on me.I must admit it is a little uncomfortable to be the center of attention.
"So you are capable of remembering right?"GD asked once I was done drinking. I shrugged.
"Remember how much of a dick these guys were towards you?"Daesung asked.Taeyang punched his arm.
"You guys were assholes." GD agreed.
"What my favorite band ass holes? Preposterous!"I laughed.
"Oh so you can remember big words but can't remember me." GD mumbled
"Maybe you weren't inportant enough for me to remember you." I regretted what I said,it was rude for me to say it.He walked away without saying a word.
"You guys we should let her sleep."t.o.p suggested.
"Yeah."they agreed. T.o.p picked me up to take me upstairs, I'm fine with limping up and down but t.o.p felt obligated to carry me up and down the steps. They all,one by one,gave me a kiss on the cheek goodnight.
I want to remember. Who this Daesung and GD are. I want to remember why they say they were assholes to me. I want to know what am I to them that they can just kiss me and hug me when they want.
"Am I a groupie?"I whispered to myself. No no I don't wanna be a groupie!!!!! I don't want them,my favorite band,to see me as a groupie.I saw GD in the bathroom brushing his teeth. I limped to him.
"Hey G-"he stormed past me obviously mad.
"Look I'm sorry for-"I tried to apologize.
"Save it (y/n)" He put his hand up to me. "That shit hurt,you know that? You saying I mean absolutely nothing to you!"
"I didn't know it'd hurt you this much."I whispered ashamed.
"Well it does!" He walked in his room and got out a first aid kit.
"Remember this?!"he practically yelled at me. I stared at the blue box. I started to feel light headed again.
"This was the thing that Daesung used to take you away from me." A light image appeared in my head. It was me and Daesung,I had a swollen cheek and a cut. He wrapped up my cut and put ice on my cheek smiling at me.
"(Y/n)?"I heard GD voice waver. I felt very light headed. "(Y/n)"GD picked me up and took me into his bed to lay me down. After a few seconds I fell right asleep.
y'all sowwy this chapter was short and boring,and sowwy I haven't been updating. School has been a pain in my arse.
And o had this chapter started a week ago but just now finished it. I will try to keep updating and I'll try to make each chapter longer. (*^▽^*)

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