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Chrissy's pov* *flashback* ( if you get easily disturbed don't read this chapter dont worry its not rape)
I was being chased...
I dumbly ran into the basement...
She was behind me holding a belt
My mom grabbed me from behind and flipped me to face her. She locked the door while she pushed me against the nearby wall by my neck. She dragged me down the stairs and threw me on the floor.
"You don't have t-"
She started beating me with her belt and screaming at me completely ignoring my plead. She grabbed my arms and put them over my head, so all I could do was wiggle my feet. She exposed my left side by ripping my favorite shirt into pieces. My side was turning red and it was starting to bleed."Stop!!" I screamed.
Every time she hit my side it hurt like hell. I was screaming but she kept on hitting it and hitting it till it turned black and purple. She tied my mouth with the remains of my shirt and left me in only pants on that cold basement floor for 5 and a half days...
When she found me she got mad at me for not getting up myself... she beat me again.
My stomach had gotten smaller and smaller over the days I was in the basement. By the time she dragged me out, it had been three and a half weeks. My eyes turned sensitive and my stomach just stopped producing acid. My dad had come to visit me but she said I was on a school trip for 4 weeks.~~~~~~~~~~
I just stared at the ceiling like I did when I was in the basement. My nurses thought that I was in shock but they checked. I would be getting out of here tommorow. My mom had done so much to me in that basement when I was younger...
She had beat me
Tortured me
Starved me
Hated me...
One of my nurses told me that I should get some sleep. She was right. I had woken up at 3:00 am and I was still awake by 2:00 am.
My eyes were puffy and red 'cause of the pollen coming through my window and because all of the silent crying I'd done. I closed them and immediately fell into a tortured sleep

Zach's pov*
My mom had made up a test for me cause she wanted to know if I had liked my "dad".
"Honey would you want to go to a Paramore Concert with us?"
I didn't know that she was kidding so I said no. I didnt want to go with my dad anywhere.
She then said if I would want to go to the concert with her. I shot up in my chair and said yeah. Being the clueless person I was, my mom started crying and asking me why I hated my "dad" so much.
My real dad had left my mom in order to go serve the military and then he died. Then this guy walkes into our life and becomes my "dad".
I knew I had to move on but I held grudges against the people I hated. I decided I would go visit Chrissy and see how she was. I led my mom to her room and left.
Chrissy's pov* *Nightmares*
Running... I was running...
The monster...the monster was after me...
Claws... the monster... the monster had claws... claws whips
Falling... I fell into a dark hole...
The monster... scratching my face...
My side... hurts... the monster drinks my blood laughing....
Monster is laughing...
The claws turn into a belt
The face turns familiar
The hole turns into a basement
The blood turns into alcohol
And I regognize her...
Its my mom...
I wake up screaming. I had nightmares when I was young but they were getting worse each time I had them. Zach was next to me speaking really fast.
My nurse ran in.
"What's happening what's going on!! I heard you scream".
" I. Uh saw something on the. Uh wall and I thought it was a spider". She knew I had a great fear of them so she checked the whole room. When she found nothing she reassured me that it was probably an eyelash blocking my vision.
She left and I decided I would watch a movie with Zach until the nurses told me that I could go. Zach grabbed the remote out of my hand and shut off the movie.
"What was that all about" he said.
"Nothing". I took the remote back and turned the t.v back on. Once again he took the remote and shut the t.v. off. He turned the remote over and took the batteries out.
"Chrissy". He put the remote down.
"Im really worried about you. You keep on waking up screaming and crying and then you say its nothing."
"It is nothing" I whispered. He didnt know about my nightmares when I was a kid so I just wanted it to stay that way.
"And it's none of your businesses anyways" I said turning to my other side. He moved to the other side of the bed.
"It is my business."he said
"I wish I'd never told you." I regretted those words instantly.
"Do you know what could've happened to you if you didnt tell me. You would be in those woods still... you would be starving and in pain or you would get eaten by the pack of wolves there.
Is that what you'd want?".
When I didn't answer he just got up and put the batteries back in the remote so he could watch t.v.
I couldn't stand when people were mad at me so I started crying. He turned towards me and hugged me. After crying I apologized to Zach. I fell asleep a few minutes later.

Zach's pov*
Chrissy had stopped crying and had fallen asleep. I just watched t.v. till it was time for me to go home.

Sorry it took me such a long time to update.

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