|| Said with stillness, A person who can't move without their grace -Chapter3 ||

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Kazuha didn't speak, Though he felt within him a great thankfulness. The hospitality brought to him was far from what he had seemed to imagine. Thinking back upon the blissful life before the storm he could only beckon a sigh of relief as he stood in the middle of the empty room; Nothing to quite call the place home yet. 
He could only think back to when he had only shared a couple of words with the people of many different clans. Though when his memories turned him astray he could only then remember words given to him by a young girl, No older than he himself, Though she was graceful and had much to say. Her brother loomed off in the background with another; He couldn't find it within himself to care for their presence. Merely speaking with her made him remember more fond memories. 

('To dance? Perhaps I could teach you!')

He cracked a small smile; Letting his mind wander off into distant times, Though still in the present he moved. He left the small building without much worry beside him. His steps were carefully and well thought out as he walked around the shrine. He sat down next to the pool of shining water peering into it; So cold yet pleasing that he reached out for it. 

When his fingertips touched the water the surface shook. Small rings flowed further and further away from that point It was indeed cold water, Finding himself a little calm for his situation outside of this shelter of his. He could hear the voices of many others as they walked by, sparing him glances or a few words; Like those before. ("Hey look there's a new member-" or, "He seems to be having fun.") there were many more things said to him though many were tuned out as he listened to the wind that blew through the leaves; at least if there was any if not it would just be the wind itself and the water as it moved whenever he did.

It never dawned upon him that he would need to find a better place for himself, Fore even in the safety of this island and its many valiant, and vicious warriors; It was only more mouths to feed, More housing, and more work to make sure everyone in the area was safe. Surely they all had enough things piled on their small dishes. Much like a grandma who gives their grandkids more food than they could ever eat in one serving.
Though even with all the work and endless constraints, training, and, so on and so forth. Kazuha had only noticed how they always had time for one another, No matter how busy or how tight their schedules were. 

This reminded him of many people; Many of which he had forgotten the names of, but many still lingered in his memories. Like Arakaki Itto, the Kamisato siblings, And even some of his closest friends like Tomo.

He could always remember the fond moments that he had shared with the Kamisato siblings and their housekeeper, Maid, or man of all the household names.  Kamisato Ayaka, had only reminded him of grace, like the water that flowed so elegantly within the island, It even reminded him of Sangonomiya Kokomi, Despite never sharing any words he had known what she'd looked like. So elegant and filled to the brim with beauty and grace.

His smile only got bigger ad he thought to himself, Sitting next to the edge of the water with his fingertips swirling within it. He took a moment to look back at the water as the light from above crashed down upon it. It was rather bright highlighting the water with a white or pearlescent hue. He pulled his hand away from the water letting the remaining water trickle off of his hand and back into the water before drying his hand on his thigh. 

He sat back and looked at the clouds as they passed by the sun still high enough to cast efficient lighting upon the land. He hauled himself up and stood still for a few moments, Despite the stillness he smiled, soon enough he turned his head and watched the area around him for a few moments. He brought himself to start moving walking back down the way he had come. 

"Hey, you!" He heard from behind, he stopped in his tracks turning his head and cocking it to the side as if to symbolize confusion like a dog. The person stopped in front of him and bent over hands on their knees as they caught their breath. 

"You're new to the resistance aren't you?" They questioned almost immediately. They had pulled themselves back up into a fixed posture, a hand on their hip. 
"Uhm - Not quite." He answered, Taking a few moments to think. The man in front of him sighed, His face shifting into a slightly less confident one, Though it was only short life until he regained it. 

"Well, in that case, I hope you find out hospitality nicely done up; I couldn't help but notice that you were a little cast-off and drawn away by the other members, and thought you were a little lonely! - But now I see that that's probably not the case and I should probably get out of your hair." He unloaded his words heavily onto Kazuha, With that Kazuha shook his head and tried his best to reply in a well-mannered form. 

"Oh no, You're pretty alright. It's a little odd trying to adjust from living somewhere else. " Kazuha reasoned, earning a quick nod from the other man. 

"Any who; I just wanted to swing by and see if you were lonesome, Though you probably have your own things to do. I'll catch you later by chance." He said quite quickly letting Kazuha off the hook quicker than he had imagined. He thought that it would be the same as when Gorou had wandered up to him and the Village resident, Going on, and on to him and asking him questions. Though it wasn't as quick or harsh as the man he had just talked with. Quite frankly he took Gorou's tone for granted at least he was somewhat easy on him; Letting him interact to his pace and more to his liking. Shaking the thought out of his head he continued. 

It was strange living someplace new, Though even he knew within himself he must try to at least feel welcome, which he did. Fore' Even then thou couldn't stand within the open shade and dwindle within it forever. Light would make its way within somehow. 

Despite it being a short while that the sun would still live in the sky, He sank back down to his newfound home and stood with a blank mind in the doorway. Letting the cool air surf in as if it were waves of cooling ocean water.  he finally walked in the door with a slight shuffle, closing the door behind him. He looked around the small place. It wasn't too big nor too small for a person to live within. Grateful for shelter to the least he smiled softly. He looked to his left out the window as the skies how darkened with only the dim light of lamps outside he looked around once more until his gaze landed on a candle, Neatly set upon a small table in the corner. With an incense burner that had been used in the past. The object still had the ashes of the person who had once lived there. Dead or alive it wouldn't much matter. What was there was his now, And if someone came knocking on his door for the item he would gladly give it back.

Though until then he could make use of it. He walked around opening various drawers of preset furniture, And cupboards. Looking around to see if anyone had even left a scrap of incense within the Living space. he let out a hearty sigh as he figured that there wasn't any to be found. though he would happily ask if anyone else had some, or even see if the village had any laying around that he could buy with the mora he had left. 

Kazuha smiled, walking over to the small bed in the corner of the room. All of his belongings were already inside and set down on the right side of the door. Yet he had no heart nor the time or willpower to get up and sort through it all. Fore' it would have to be done in the morning. Go figure... 
he didn't even bother to change into anything else. All he had done was lay down on the bed, on the neatly made bed. Staring at the ceiling and then the window nearby. It had already been a long day, and sure enough, there was more to come unless he had magically passed away in his sleep one fair morning. Though he pledged it Impossible until he was older. 

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