:P |Curse of the black moon| :0

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Seth's base

After we got to the place where I lived with Seth I just needed to take some things that He told me to take If something bad happens and He'll not be here with us. I'm still a little bit confused how the fuck can a god die, but as I see, gods are able to die somehow. I asked Horus how can a god die, He told me that Seth didn't die, he disappeared by cursing himself. I didn't really want to ask him more but I wanted to know something more about the situation, so I asked him "Horus, do you know why the other gods were so mad at me when they didn't really like Seth by any chance?" And Horus just went with these words, "You know, Seth took you for a reason and the other gods do know it. They don't know what is Seth planning so they don't trust you, and also,... it isn't really like they hate him and want him to disappear, it's just that they don't really like him." Well I also didn't know what exactly was Seth planning to do by training me and shit, but I did not care about it at that time. 

Horus was really weirdly looking at one peace of paper or whatever was it according to what my power sensed, I wanted to ask him about it but He've quickly hidden it and what was weirder was that his eyes were suddenly covered with tears based on how I felt it...I already knew that it was probably something that was written by Seth cuz it was even in his room, but still, why would Horus cry with all his heart because of it? It was weird, I rashly tried to calm him down but he just shouted at me to go out of the room. I did not really understand why is he so angry all of a sudden, I listened to him because to think of it, it would change nothing at all. 

When Horus came out He was trying not to talk to me, and he was avoiding eye contact too. First time in my life I felt like wanting to know something really much. After a while he told me that he's sorry for shouting at me and being aggressive, I just told him that it's alright. I still didn't think of asking him what was written there, I was scared that he would get angry again. When He suddenly stopped walking I asked him what's wrong, he responded with saying "Go In by yourself Reu" , I asked him where...but he just told me to follow the wind and it will lead me right in, but it felt some strange there so I walked with the wind as He said but He wasn't going away, I had to keep my guards up. As I got to the enter of the thing, Horus's scent suddenly faded  away and to be honest I got a little bit scared. There were a lot of new scents coming against me, it smelled somehow familiar. I then realised, that it was Seth's scent. He spoke to me "He didn't want to go inside of my palace huh?" I asked why did he disappear and left me, he just responded "It was a test, but Horus did exactly what I didn't want him to do. He got you out of there." Reu: "He saved my life by doing that Seth." Seth: "I know that very well but the test was supposed to teach you how to get out of these kinds of situations, but he helped you." 

I suddenly felt like I should make sure if it really is him, but I wasn't sure if it isn't just a cursed body. I didn't care about it no more, I had to know more about myself. 

Reu: "Give your hands Seth."

Seth: "Ouh, you're scared that it isn't me right?"

Reu: "Just give me your hands please, If I trust you or not doesn't matter right now."

Seth: "Alright." 

His hands felt a little bit more rough, but I couldn't just stop by touching his hands. I had to touch his face to make completely sure that it's him.

Seth: "Hmm? Hands aren't enough anymore? You really have trusting issues kid."

Reu: "Please be quiet for a second."

Seth: "Okey Reu stop it already, this is ridiculous. Will you just trust me when I make you feel my power?"

Reu: "Don't need that already, I know it's you. I was just healing the burn mark on your face."

Seth: "What? How do you know that I have a burn mark...? Oh right, that's one of your powers...I forgot, sorry."

Reu: "Never mind."

I surely wanted to ask him what did he write on a latter in his room that Horus was crying like that, so I first asked him if we can go sit somewhere. He told me to just follow his scent, okey alright  but how the heck am I supposed to follow one scent when everything in the palace smells like him. I had to follow something else on him, and that was his aura. I suddenly were feeling pain in my body and started to feel really cold, but how could I feel cold when we were still in the desert. I just thought that it was night because night's in deserts are really cold. Seth then grabbed my hand and took me to take a seat. He most likely felt that my hand was super cold so he asked me if I'm alright, I told him that I'm fine because his hand was feeling cold. As I sat down the pain grew bigger and bigger, I thought for a little bit if it can't be because of the sudden aura that I was holding on to so I just didn't care about it. I tried to ask him as many things as I was able to but the pain didn't want to let me speak.

Seth: "Reu you look really pale, do you really feel alright?"

Reu: "I'm fine I said. It's just pain holding on to me since I was following your aura, it's probably nothing serious so don't worry about it."

Seth suddenly came closer to me and placed his hand on my forehead, he was really surprised that I was so cold. He was talking about something but my hearing got blurry as If I was about to faint. The pain in my body was hitting so hard that I felt like I wasn't even able to walk, I tried to tell Seth but as I tried to talk I fainted. I still could feel pain. I suddenly felt like there is no blood in my body, after that I just felt like Seth was taking me somewhere. It was colder and colder as the time passed, I don't know how but I could see for a second when he's taken me to that cold room. After it was so cold that I couldn't even feel my whole body my whole mind went away, as it just stopped, everything..stopped.

Reu was frozen by time that stopped when Seth placed her on a cold bed, covered her with cold blood. The room was placed exactly where the moon shines right in on Reu, as If he wanted to make her really cold. Seth did it because it was the only way how he could stop her from dying, but there was one thing that he knew that Reu would never be able to forgive him, he made her a god. She was no more a god only from one side. What he did to her to make her survive was the curse of the black moon that only gods of war and life could give, but the strongest one could be given only by Seth and Osiris. By what Seth did, Reu's blood is no longer red but black. There is also 43% that Reu's eyesight would go back to normal, but her power of feeling emotions and situations is staying with her because that's the power that she forced herself to know. There is one power getting in with curse of the black moon, it's the control of blood. Control of blood means that she'll be able to control other's body by their own blood, she could squeeze all the blood on one spot and make it blow away. Seth already knew that Reu would hate him for what he did, but there was also no other choice. Seth was often in the room with Reu to take care of her being safe and not dying by the cold, he was making sure that she was just frozen and not dead, he did it really often. He never left the palace while Reu was there, he didn't want to let her be there alone as he did before. Even Seth didn't know why did this curse choose Reu form all the other powerful ones, like, she wasn't even a god you know what I'm talking about. 

Four year later Reu-

Just got this idea from school :D          Hope you enjoyed this small ep <3

By HoneyHanaHoney 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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