Chapter 3
♡Andi walks in and sees them making out. With Emma in her skirt and tanktop and Daniel shirtless. And she says "Woah! wrong timing!" Emma shocked that Andi was in her room accidentally bit Daniel's lip. And he then noticed that Andi was there. And they all just stared at each other and she said "Daniel put your shirt back on!" So he did and she said "Emma get changed, me and Daniel will wait in the hallway" so she did as she was told. And she went to meet Andi and Daniel in the hallway. "Andi don't tell my dad we did this!" Emma said. And Andi said "Trust me I won't, I would probably throw up if I even imagined it again! Just gross!" And Daniel said "hey wanna go to the movies?" They both agreed. Emma grabbed Daniel's hand and Andi walked beside them gagging.and she said "why did you guys decide to do that, i mean it's obvious you guys are in love! You don't need to prove that, well what were you going to do if I didn't walk in on time to stop you? Emma and Daniel, shocked Andi said that hurried and said "NOTHING!" At the same time. While that was all they were going to do. Neither of them would lie to their bestfriend. And then they finally got to the beach. And Andi and Emma were confused, they thought they were going to the movies. Daniel set up a special spot on the beach that had a screen and a romance movie was beginning. ♡50 likes for next chap!hope you guys like it so far