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【Mike Wheeler's POV】

I have to stay with my Cousin Richie Trashmouth Tozier. Both our Parents says it would Be Good to "Bond". I Think it's because both Of them are Going and A 'No kids' Cruise and They Didn't want to leave Their Kid alone with Strangers

I convinced My Friend's parents To let them come with me. Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Eddie had to come with us though for "safety Reasons", I guess it makes Sense Because There is 6 of us. Me, Will, Max, Lucas, Dustin and Eleven.

Steve Said He Would Drive All of us Their. It Would take about 5 - 9 Hours.

I'm going to text Richie.

【Richie Tozier's POV】

I was Walking with the Losers club when I Got a text From my cousin

"W-who That R-Richie" said Bill

"My Cousin" I Said while taking out my phone to see what he wanted

"Cousin? Why have you never Told us About Them?" Asked Beverly

"Because You Never Asked"

🖕Annoying Bitchhh🖕

Hey Rich

Yeah mike

I'm coming to Derry With Friends

YOU have Friends?

Yes I have Friends You Prob Don't

I do I have Eddie Spaghetti, King Billum, Molly Ringwald,

Stan The Man, Benny Boy, and The psychopathic 4

How do you have that many Friends

Because I'm cool and your not

🖕( ಠ╭╮ಠ )🖕


Ok byeeeee

Wait I wanna talk

No bye


"So what did your cousin want?" ask Ben

"Apparently he and his Friends are coming to visit"

"So we're going to meet them?" Asked Eddie


【Third Person】

Richie's phone goes off like crazy but Richie ignores it.

"Y-You Should P-Probably A-Answer that" Bill said

"I don't wanna he probably just wants to talk about DND" Richie replys

"What's DND?" Eddie Asked

"Some board Game He likes About Fighting Demons and Shit" Richie says

"Sounds cool" Said Ben

"Nope It's like Weeks Long sometimes Even months for like no Prize" Richie said starting to Annoyed by his phone

"oh That Sounds Kinda Boring" Bev says

7 Crazy Weeks [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now