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Billy slowly opened the bedroom door, ribs aching, left leg limping from the kick Neil had delivered to bring him down to his knees. He hissed an inhale, breathing painful, as he crept down the hall and into the bathroom.

Carefully, quietly, he flicked on the light, observing himself. Not bad. He looked at his too red right eye, but it wouldn't blacken. It was getting warmer. In a few weeks he'd start wearing shorts and tanks. Or going shirtless.

Then what would Neil do? He smirked at himself.

Besides, he felt electricity run through him. Steve and he were going to run away together. The very idea left Billy breathless, giddy.

He could withstand anything Neil threw his way as long as he had that hope to cling to. Steve had accepted his offer to live together. To begin a life together. To… He caught his stupid smile, tried to tamp it down.

It'd been the ignition to his punishment earlier.

Coming home late, again. Skipping school, again. Billy knew his grades had suffered but a 'c' in Spanish had been too much. And then that smile.

He hadn't wiped it off his face fast enough, but that was OK. Neil was more than happy to do it for him. He ran fingers over his still aching jaw. Wondered how Neil had the talent to hit like a fucking truck and leave no mark.

With a sigh Billy left the bathroom, opening the door slowly so it didn't squeak or groan. Neil slept like the dead, but he wasn't about to tempt fate.

The house was so different at night; sleepy, peaceful. Billy could imagine a different life. He could imagine Steve walking through the door, tossing a backpack on the couch. Greeting him with a kiss before grabbing some coffee.

Billy stood in the middle of the room in the dark. Life in Hawkins wouldn't even be so bad if it weren't for Neil. Eyes flicked to the blinking clock in the kitchen. 


Billy narrowed his eyes, thinking. Steve would probably still be up. He could-

A hand on his shoulder, fingers gripping hard to yank him around.

"What are you doing?"

The smell of alcohol made Billy recoil, Susan's soft weeping left little to the imagination. Dread fell over Billy like a curtain.

Neil hadn't been sleeping.


Steve tried the breathe, tried to calm down.


"I won't budge." His father growled. "You have two options, either go to Harvard or work for my company."

Steve felt himself grasping for other options. "But-"

"You have a spot at Harvard." Fingers steepled, "I ensured it."

"You mean you bought it." Steve spat, fingers digging into the back of the dining chair. "Look," He inhaled, attesting to appeal to his father. "I-I could go to Chico-"

"California?" Face twisted to one of disgust. "No child of mine is going to that hippie state. You'll do better in a dignified position." Finger tapped on the table to hammer home his point. "Either Harvard-"

"I'm not smart enough for Harvard." Steve gasped, almost begging. "I won't even be able to keep up."

"Of course you will." Senior leaned back in his chair, throwing a leg over his knee. "There will be tutors, special classes, and-"

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