Chapter 22

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It felt to Sana like the city had barely changed in the three years since She had last been here. It was reassuring in it's own way, that no matter how far she went, how much she changed, this place, which had always felt more like home than anywhere, was still the same as it ever was.

She was up bright and early this morning, wandering the streets downtown at a leisurely pace, taking it all in. Still as slow and meandering as her path was, she did eventually reach her destination. A small back alley coffee shop by the name of Chaos.

Sana pulled open the door and wandered up to the counter, unburdened as it ever was with queueing customers. "Hey Bae!" She said brightly, not sure exactly where the other girl was.

"Heeey Sana." Bae yawned, poking her head up from under the counter. "You're up and about early."

"Just seizing the day I guess!" Sana beamed. "How are you?"

"Eh, well, other than the constant feeling of worry that something has gone wrong and somehow the plan is going to go entirely to shit... Pretty good I guess."

Sana laughed. "What could go wrong? They all know now right? What's the issue?"

Bae sighed. "Well so far as I know Fauna hasn't made up her mind yet and... well I'm a little worried about you too."


"Yeah, you've constantly subverted every part of my meticulous plans so far. Moving around all the time, finding the shrine three years before anyone else. I swear, you're more chaotic than I am."

"Well then I'll be on good stead to supplant you then right?"

Bae was quiet. "You still intend to ascend then?"

Sana nodded. "I've always dreamed about seeing the stars up close and, now that I've been to space, I only want to see more."

Bae smiled and nudged a coffee across the counter. "You'd better make yourself comfy. They're a late rising lot. So you're gonna be waiting a bit."

Sana smiled and took her coffee over to a table by the window, affording limited views of the back street the cafe was located on.

A couple hours passed as Sana sat there, quietly answering emails on her phone, a nuisance she was happy to know she soon wouldn't have to deal with. Eventually Bae flopped down in the seat opposite her.

"If Mumei is to be believed they're probably gonna wake up soon. If you want to head over before she leaves for work you should do it now." Bae said.

"Mumei huh?" Sana tapped her chin. "I have some memories of what she used to be like but it'll be my first time really meeting her. What's she like?"

"Same as ever." Bae smiled. "Less prone to her episodes, but still just as curious, kind and cute."

"I'm looking forward to meeting her then." Sana smiled, standing up and stretching. "And seeing Faufau and Kronini again."

"Sana." Bae said, suddenly serious. "Just, temper your expectations. Those two..."

"I know..." Sana's smile faltered. "Trust me. I know."

With that, she pushed the door open and began the walk home.

It would be a stretch to call the morning normal, Kronii hadn't had a "normal" morning since meeting Mumei two months prior, but this one was at least calm and routine. With any luck, the new normal that she was excited to embrace. She'd slept alone in her own bed the night before, having streamed late, not wanting to disturb her girlfriends, who were cuddled up in Mumei's bed.

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