(Oneshot) Dear Diary -Chris x Kennith-

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18th Sept

I hung out with Kennith today. It was a surprise, but hey, it was better than being stuck with a crapton of broken mirrors. We didn't do much, we just watched TV and talked, he gave me a cup of tea, and that was about it. We've been hanging out a lot lately. Like, almost every day. I mean, I'm not complaining, but he's starting to not annoy me as much. It's the strangest thing.

20th Sept

I've been feeling weird lately. It's only when I'm with Kennith. Whenever I look at him, I start getting nervous, I stumble over my words, my cheeks get warmer, I can feel my heart beating faster, and I'm feeling this dull ache in the middle of my chest. I know Kennith's behind it, that bitch, he's probably poisoned me with friendship or something.

21st Sept

Okay...I told Slurpee about it and she says I'm in love. It's such a strange sensation I'm feeling. It's always other people who fall in love with me, I've never fallen in love with anyone else. And why Kennith? I mean, he's got messy hair...beautiful eyes...soft skin...a cute butt...a sultry voice...he's funny...he knows how to charm someone...okay, I see why now.

24th Sept

This crush has definitely been getting stronger. The symptoms are getting much stronger, especially the warm cheeks one. I've been told that's called blushing. And it's visible. Now that Slurpee mentioned it, I'm scared he's going to notice. Being in love is hard...

25th Sept

I might have had a major gay panic.
In front of Kennith.
He was literally flirting with me and I couldn't help it. He likes to practise flirting on other people and, since I was the only one there, he tested it on me. I handled it quite well. I hope. On the inside however, I was going insane. I could literally hear my heartbeat in my ears. It felt so loud, like it had the capability to shatter a mirror in a ten-mile radius. Is this what a gay panic will always be like? Not looking forward to them.

27th Sept

Okay, I swear Kennith is flirting with me on purpose. He's doing it all the time, sometimes even without warning, and it catches me off guard. I wonder if he likes me back? Flirting is a good way to build a romantic relationship. Also, when he catches me off guard, I get really flustered. And, when that happens, he smiles and giggles a bit. Strange reaction. You'd think he'd ridicule me for it, but I guess he'll do that.

29th Sept

Kennith fucking kissed me.
I'm freaking out.
So, today, I decided it would be best if I just ripped the bandage off and told him. The crush was just too much to hide anymore.  So, when I went to hang out with him, I told him. He smiled throughout the whole of me gushing over this crush. At the end, he just cupped my face in his hands and pulled me into a kiss without a word. He's a really good kisser too; his lips are so soft and lush. It was heaven. So, I guess I have a boyfriend now. That's really cool.

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