caught in the act

928 13 13

Tw: Racism

Buzz's pov:

Finney was taking awfully long in the bathroom. Too long. I took a look at his groups table and saw that Robin wasn't there. He was just 10 minutes ago. A minute before Finney went to the bathroom. Finney isn't here. Nor is Robin. They're suspiciously close best friends. Shit. "Matt. Matty. Can you guys go check on Finney I'm tired. And make sure he isn't with that damn Mexican." They got up and left so I just put my head down. I swear if Robin wasn't around me and Finney would've been a perfect couple. But no he just always wants to stick around like glue.

Matt's pov:

"Why did it have to us that checked on him." "Shit I don't now maybe because we're the most trust worthy." "Yeah whatever." Me and Matty walked into the bathroom just into to see Robin and Finney sucking face. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" Matty yelled. Jeez if he had screamed any louder I would've punched him. They both turned around Finney looking more alarmed than Robin. "Damn Finney cheating on buzz that surprising, what's not surprising is that it was with Robin." "Would be sad if we told buzz and your dad." Finney looked scared. Like actually and physically scared when Matty brought up his dad. "But we could always keep it a secret but for a price." "Matty what the hell are you on about we need to tell Buzz." "Oh c'mon don't be a buzz kill you know what we could get away with, with this kind of dirt on him." It took me a moment, that  I remembered that Matty did sorta have a crush on Finney, to be honest I think it's just stalker ish at this point."Fine." "Okay I'll do it just please don't tell my dad...or buzz." I started feeling kind of bad. But than I remembered who he was, the guy that stole my crush, my best friend, the guy that stole who should've been my boyfriend. My buzz. "Well firstly I want you to tell Vance to leave us alone Robin. Secondly Finney I need the answers to every math test. And lastly I want Robin to not beat us up, deal??" I said trying to negotiate with the both of them. But than of course that idiot Matty had to butt in,"And I want private tutoring lessons with Finn." "Like hell you're getting-" "I mean I could always send a masked text." "I'll do it." "Okay well we're going." I said dragging Matty out. "You're a psychotic, narcissistic, obsessive bitch." "Yeah but you love it." "Yeah sure." We walked the rest of the way back to the table quiet. When the group saw us they waved and buzz looked up. "Well??" "He was washing his hands he'll be here in a second." "And the beaner??" "He wasn't there we checked the entire bathroom." Matty said backing me up. "Okay." Just than Robin walked in and sat with Vance and the rest of that group he spoke for a few minutes before looking at us. Than Finney came and sat next to buzz. "Babe I'm back..." He was avoiding gazing at us. I mean why wouldn't he. "Good." Buzz said smiling than gave Finney a kiss on the cheek.

Finney's pov:

I can't believe me and Robin just got blackmailed. Right after they left the bathroom we agreed to go back a minute after. Upon getting to the door to the cafeteria Robin gave me one last kiss on my cheek. "I love you Finn." "Yeah yeah now get inside Robin." I said with a smile. A couple seconds after he walked in I walked in and went straight to buzz's table where matt and Matty already were. "Babe I'm back.." I was avoiding their stares. "Good." Buzz smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. The same cheek Robin kissed me on. It didn't feel right. I could feel Robin's state from across the room. Jeez if felt like I was suffocating. Someone had grabbed my hand, "Are you okay?" "Yeah just a bit tired." "Oh okay you can rest I'll wake you up when lunch is over." "Okay.." I layed my head on my arms that were on the table and dozed off.

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