split in half...??? #12

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I put on my usual clothes and went out to see Hunter

I promised him that we will meet up a few days ago but I fell asleep boo!

I waited on a tree that we usually hangout as a kid back when we are
4 or 5 can't remember

"Come on hunter were are you??" I said, I felt something in my arm I lift my longsleve up and a red fur popped on

I panicked and quickly covered it up "AHH oh no no no what's happening to me?? AM I DYING!?"

"Whos dying?"


I turned around and saw hunter "bro stop scaring me like that" "eh sorry"

He got off on he's palishman,flapjack Flys on top on me "Hey falpjack" I got him down on my head and pat his BEAUTIFUL head

"So who is exactly dying?" He asked "n-no ONE, Y-YEAH ITS JUST uh.... AN ILLUSION I've been uh... MAKING!" I luagh sarcastically

He pulled my arm and lift my long sleeve up "oh so your dying?" He said not so worried as I expected "um bitch no? OFC IAM I MEAN LOOK AT MY HAND IM TURNING INTO THAT BEAST AGAIN???"

"Geez calm down-" "IAM CALM WHATS WRONG WITH EVERYONE TODAY!" I walked off angrily

I stopped when he touched my shoulder, I sighed "y/n... are you ok?"
I pushed it away

"Who me?, yes yes never been better,now let's go" I heard him sighed as he follows me,flapjack climb on my shoulder as I walked

Hunter hold my hand and that made me stopped for a moment "what? Why did you stop?" He said,he looked at me and I was red as a fucking tomato,then started to walk again

We went to a cliff,the view was beautiful as always this cliff was also our hangout place

"Um.. y/n?" He said I hummed in respond "do you want to die? Or what?"

"Huh?" I said "I mean we are in a fucking cliff a perfect place to suicide-"
I slapped him,"not today bro" I sat down and talked out my books

'You forgot to mention you bought books a/n-' shut the fuck up

"So there's something I wanna learn about here in page..... OH! There it is" I flipped the pages too page 509

How to do telekinesis

"Oh that seems pretty simple y/n" his face was close to my ear,my heart was beating so fast MAKE IT STOP PLASE

"It's kinda the same thing as the levitation spell I teach you years ago" he said, "good thing I bought my staff!" He said,he transformed into the golden guard while holding he's staff

"Woah" I said "YOU CAN DO THAT???" He hummed in respond "now let's go!"
He grabbed my hand

I grabbed he's staff and tried to listen to what he said "try lifting that rock" he pointed at it,I started to lift it but it falled "what?" I said softly "it's ok don't worry try again?" He said

I took a deep breath and lift the rock again,but again it failed

"Oh come on!" I stomp my foot "you look cute when your angry y/n" I didn't heard what he said "what?" "Nothing,just focus and try again maybe?"

I tried again but this time I was really angry,the red fur grew to my arm again,the rock float but there's something not right

"That's it y/n keep it going!" He said,suddenly a Crack came to the floor and it continued until it reach the end

"What's happening?" I asked "I don't know...-" The floor cracked leaving me and hunter in a separated way, wait WHAT?

"AH HUNTER!" We've been separate with different ways I heard people yelling "oh no...EDA LUZ!" I run crying,the floor kept on shaking

I kept on running until I saw the owl house,I saw hooty on the door and pushed him

Eda was standing worried, I fly oh her and hugged her "EDA! Are you guys ok??"

Luz came in and hugged me "N/N!" She said

"Were have you've been? I thought your meeting up with someone? What happened? We heard that the boiling isles has been separated?"

I falled down on my knees and started to cry,eda hold my shoulder "y/n... what happened?"

This is an au I've been thinking about lately also this is the last part of book 1 cause this is a whole new start for the owl house

I'll be making book 2 later so bye for now

the owl house: abandoned Boundaries -●Book 1●Where stories live. Discover now