Poem #15: Words lost in the wind

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/ I drove with the windows down at night. And I said everything I had wanted to utter but did not.  f  or  re  aso  ns  of  co  ur  se  . /

My words were lost in the wind.
They were carried away before they could be heard. to a place where they'd be safe.
Because they were like the antique showpieces at my mom's place. One touch. One nudge. One slip.
And they'd break into millions of pieces.

Actually, that's not quite right.
They were not lost. They were found.
They were found and protected just as I had once protected them in my heart. One less worry. One less weight. One less breakdown.
And I just might feel a bit lighter.

I do feel a bit guilty. 
That I was glad no one heard them. That I was sad no one heard them.
A constant conflict that seems to exist in my mind, waging war on one another. Two opposites. Two feelings. Two desires.
To be heard or not to be heard.

/ Will the wind carry my words to someone one day?   i   d  o   n  ot   kn  o w.  b   ut   i   ca n    de   s  p  ai r    o  r   h  op  e. /

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