Chapter Fifteen

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I placed the food on table three and gave the family of four sitting with a warm smile. 

"If there's anything else I can get for you guys?" I asked.

"Some hot sauce."

"Of course. I'll be right back." 

I sauntered back into the kitchen and grabbed the hot sauce and the decaf pot of coffee. I set the hot sauce down on their table. 

"Enjoy your meal." 

I walked down two tables down and refilled the coffee for the elderly couple. 

"Is there anything I can get for you guys?"

"No, Sienna, we're fine. Thank you, darling." The elderly man spoke, and I nodded my head, then walked back to the kitchen.

Maxine was helping a couple while Eddie was having his breakfast break on the counter. I poured him some coffee and leaned back against the counter. It was Monday morning and not too busy at the diner. Dominic went back to his place last night, and I hated waking up in the morning to an empty bed. 

I could tell Lizzy missed Ollie and was surprised when she brought them both up this morning, asking if we could all live together. I didn't know what to say or how to word it in a way to make her understand that it wasn't easy, that I didn't even know what Dominic and I were, so I stayed quiet. I dropped her off with kisses and hugs, and walked to the diner, and here I was, two hours in my shift.

Everyone was nosy as they asked me a hundred questions and I answered a few of them then told them to buzz off and leave my personal life alone. I sipped on some coffee as Eddie told me about his mother's boyfriend and how he wanted his mother to move into his place.

"Does she love him?" I asked.

"She says she does, but you know my mother. She's naïve. All women are too gullible." He spoke and took another bite out of his omelet. "It's always been just us so she's a little anxious. He told her I could move in, too, but that's just weird."

"Because they have sex?"

He grimaced visibly and shoved the plate away and gave me an irate look. 

"Thanks, Sienna. Making me lose my appetite." He grumbled and down his coffee in one go.

"Enough about Eddie's mom," Maxine said coming around and wrapping her arms around me. "Give us some details about you and Dominic."

"We're fine. Doing pretty good," I mumbled, and she chuckled dropping her hands so she could stand beside me.

"Is he as good as he claimed he was in bed or was he thinking too highly of himself?" She teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, look, we have new customers," I said, changing the subject as I saw a few guys walk in. "Back to work." 

I grabbed some menus on the way to the table. There were three guys sitting in what seemed like construction clothes. Their hard helmets were set down on the side of the table on top of each other, and they were incredibly loud and laughing. I handed them each a menu and pulled out my notebook and pen. 

"Hi, welcome to Sally's Diner, can I get some drinks started for you guys?"

One of the men leaned forward and grinned up at me. 

"Baby, you must be the prettiest thing I've seen in a while."

Ew. I wasn't a thing. I was a person. Biting back a scowl and the urge to educate him how women weren't things but human beings, I acted like I couldn't hear him. 

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