Dean Winchester. Hunting (#16)

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I write in Russian and use a translator. If you find any errors, please let me know about it.

Т/И - your name (Y/N)
Т/Ф - your last name (Y/L/N)



Imagine that you were a hunter and Dean Winchester's girlfriend.


"Sam?" you jumped out of bed, looking at your beloved's brother. He was covered in blood and breathing heavily.

You ran up to the guy and sat him down on the bed, and you went to get a first aid kit.

When you finished treating Sam's scratches and wounds, Dean and Cas, who was supporting him, staggered in the door.

"Y/N..." he said and collapsed to the floor.


When Mary's eldest son came to, he found himself lying on the bed, with his wounds treated and bandaged. He tried to get up, but couldn't and collapsed back with a groan.

"Are you awake?" you asked, coming into the room. You were holding a glass of water in your hands, which you put on the bedside table next to the bed.

"Y/N," Dean breathed out in relief when he saw you.

"Sam went to the grocery store," you said, sitting on the edge of the bed. Dean held out his hand to you and you covered it with yours.

"You scared me," you shook your head, smiling sadly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry," Dean lowered his head.

"That's why I keep asking you to take me with you," you explained, "maybe then you wouldn't have suffered so much."

You understood that you would hardly be able to fully protect Dean, but at least a little...

"And I can't," Dean shook his head, "I'm afraid you'll get hurt," he squeezed your hand tighter.

"Dean, I'm also a hunter, I know you're worried about me, but I'm also worried about you. Let me help you."

Dean was serious listening to you.

"I love you so much, baby," Winchester Sr. smiled wearily, hugging you. You gently hugged him back, relaxing in his embrace.

"I love you too," you whispered softly into the top of his head.

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