Dean Winchester. Quarrel (#1)

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I write in Russian and use a translator. If you find any errors, please let me know about it.

Т/И - your name (Y/N)

Т/Ф - your last name (Y/L/N)

y/e/c - the color of your eyes.


Imagine that you were Dean's girlfriend and you had a big fight.


Dean got jealous of another guy, got into a fight with him, and also accused you of liking that guy, and you didn't do anything because you loved one Winchester, and that's why you quarreled.


"Fuck you!" the girl screamed, glaring at her boyfriend.

"Well, please, you fool!" Dean shouted back, grabbing his jacket and running out of the room, and then out of the motel.

It was raining outside, so Winchester, wearing his leather jacket, went to the nearest bar.

The upset girl silently sat down on the bed and thought. She didn't notice how she fell asleep.


Sam found his brother at the bar when he was already drinking his third glass of beer.

"Oh, Sammy, is that you?" Dean stared at the younger Winchester in surprise, trying to figure out how he found him.

Mary's youngest son grinned as he sat down on a chair next to his older brother.

"Y/N is very worried, Dean," the guy said quietly, looking at Dean.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"And what? What do I care about her?" Winchester Sr. asked, trying to put a fourth beer in his mouth, but Sam took the glass from his brother's hands and put it on the table, away from the hunter, "hey, what are you doing?!"

"I'm making you listen to me," the green—eyed man replied, simultaneously moving the glass even further.

Mary's eldest son pouted and turned away from his brother.

"Dean, don't act like a child, you know yourself that you are guilty in front of her. She didn't do anything, and you attacked her with accusations."

The hunter tried to justify himself:

"But she winked at him!"

Samuel sighed wearily.

"She didn't do anything, how can you not understand! You've already made up something for yourself there!"

It seems that the guy doubted his point of view.

"You should go and apologize to her," Sam summed up, looking closely at his brother.


When a drunk Dean stumbled into the room, you were peacefully lying in bed and preparing for a night's sleep.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," a drunken Winchester said with a slurred tongue.

"My God!" you cried out, "why are you scaring so much?" Y/L/N got off the bed and walked over to the Winchester brothers.

Sam closed the door, and when you looked at him questioningly, he shrugged, whispering:

"He got drunk."

You chuckled because you already realized that.

The younger Winchester continued:

"Because of you."

The girl just pursed her lips.


Sam went to his room because you rented two rooms: one for you and Dean, and the other for Sam.

You and Mary's youngest son put Winchester Sr. to bed and only then Sam left, and you lay down on the other side of the bed, away from your drunken lover.


In the morning, when the sun entered the room and shone directly into the guy's face, Dean woke up. When he saw himself in a motel, and even in bed, he was surprised, because he did not remember how he got here. Turning around, the green-eyed man saw Y/N, who was sleeping on the other side of the bed.

The hunter winced because he had a terrible headache.

Reaching for the nightstand, he fell to the floor. You woke up from the crash and sat up abruptly on the bed.

"Dean?" you asked uncomprehendingly, tearing your eyes and looking at the green-eyed one. He just said "Oh!" and turned back to you.

"Y/N? And I'm here..." said Winchester, looking straight into your eyes.

You stared back at him in silence.

"Hey, baby, are you offended or something?" The eldest of the Winchester brothers asked, looking into your face.

You shook your head and got off the bed.

Having bypassed her, Y/N went into the kitchen, from where a few minutes later she brought the pills.

"It's for a headache," the girl explained, giving the package of pills directly into the hands of the guy.

Dean smiled a little.

"And what would I do without you?"

Y/L/N grinned:

"You'd have a headache all day."

"Forgive me, my love," Mary's eldest son suddenly said, "I was wrong."

You stared at him in surprise.

"You already apologized yesterday," barely holding back a smile, you said.

"And what did you say?" the elder Winchester drawled.

"That I have already forgiven," y/e/c replied, sitting on her lover's lap. Yes, of course, it was a lie, but he wouldn't know about it, unless it was from Sam, but you can negotiate with the younger Winchester.

Dean smiled and began to kiss you greedily. You, panting, responded to the kisses of Winchester Sr.

Everything is fine with you, as it should be.

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