Gabriel. Grace (#19)

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Written under the inspiration of the Rock-opera song "Orpheus" - Dream

Why are you tormenting my soul
In the fog of dreams?
What can I do?
How to atone for the guilt?
I'm ready for anything for us!

Just stay with me,
There, across the cold river,
My voice still sounds,
On the shores of silence.
Come, stay with me,
There's a cold river beyond,
And we will drive away
Your sad dreams.

Written by 13x18


Imagine that you were Gabriel's girlfriend. When he died, you were in mourning and later started helping the Winchesters with hunting.


The day Ketch told the brothers that the archangel was alive, you were out hunting.

They didn't dare to tell you about it for several hours, but then they decided and did it. You wanted to take off right away, but you had a job and the guys told you that nothing was clear yet, Gabriel was not with them yet, so you stayed where you were and continued hunting.


Worms of doubt and fear just gnawed you from the inside when you, having already dealt with the monster, hurried home. You should have slept, because you've been driving all day, and at the moment it was already night, but you went into a general dialogue with the Winchesters and Castiel to share your fears with someone, so as not to be completely alone.

Of course, you were watching the road, because crashing to death was not part of your plans for that day.

Yesterday, 22:42

Dean: What the hell are you still up for, Y/N? 22:42

Sam: Everything will be fine 22:45

Sam: We'll get him out, I promise 22:47

Sam: Go to bed 22:48

Y/N: I can't fall asleep now😣 22:50

Y/N: 😣😣😣 22:51

Cas: Everything will be fine, really, go to bed 22:52

Cas: Don't worry 22:56

Y/N: I can't, guys 22:57


You would have calmed down a little if you already knew that Gabriel was safe, but no one has guaranteed that yet. But the words of Dean, Sam and Cas calmed your growing anxiety quite a bit (the scolding from Dean was like a breath of fresh air in these circumstances. You understood that nothing had changed even if Gabriel turned out to be alive) and you stopped the car to lie down and sleep a little.


You arrived at the Men of Letters bunker the next day sometime after lunch. The sun was shining over your head when you got out of the car.

"Y/N, just don't be scared, okay?"

A great start. Just beautiful. It was after these words that you became terribly afraid, oddly enough.

"What happened? Dean?" you turned to him, but he shook his head. "Sam? Cas?" you turned to them. "What happened?"

"I'll start with the fact that it's quite possible... um... we suspect that it may be Gabriel not from our world, but from a parallel one," you looked at Sam in surprise and he raised his hands as if surrendering, "I said "maybe", not exactly. But about exactly... Asmodeus... tortured him. He was pumping grace out of him," Sam explained forcefully, and your heart sank, "he sewed up his mouth so that Gabriel wouldn't scream and pumped out his grace with some kind of huge syringe, then injecting it himself to... probably become stronger, I don't know. I took out the threads and treated everything there as best I could, but he doesn't heal himself. He's afraid of us all. You can't touch him, he moos and huddles in a corner. Ketch told us about Asmodeus," he quickly added.

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