Chapter 1

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A/N What I want to say is that I have not watched the animated series so I don't know anything that happens there as I know they have been getting some things from there but it is on my list of things to watch so hopefully soon you should see some things from the animated one in my fanfic. Any way lets get on with the first chapter.

(about a week after season 2 ends)

Riven walks into the room seeing a very upset and isolated Sky with books surrounding him.

"Come on mate, you need to stop this and start grieving" Riven with an almost apologetic voice.

"She not fucking dead!" Sky stands up annoyed with a look of upset on his face. "Bloom is not dead, okay? she is saving Alfea. do you think I would have let her go at all if I knew she would never come back. She will come back to me, I know it". (okay I think I am crying just writing that. it is going to hurt so much more if they do similar things in the next season) "She is the most powerful fairy in Alfea, if not the world, she will survive this and save us all yet again". Sky says almost ready to break into tears.

Riven looks at him and knows he feels broken inside. "hey I know we are probably all in debt to her for the rest of our lives, without even meaning it she is most likely owed the world" trying to lighten the mood and failing. "we all want her back, even me if you can believe it. we are looking for ways to get her back"

Sky looks up at him almost unbelievably "even you miss her? Wow I must have missed a lot. I love her so much. I don't think I will be able to live without her. she has impacted my life so much without me even knowing. she knows that she is the solution for me, the reason for me to live. I would literally die for her. I actually did." Sky made a small chuckle. I'm determined to get her back no matter what."

"I'm counting on it mate. You will get her back. If I know you, which I do, you will go to the ends of the world- or realm for that matter, for her. No doubt she knows that and is looking for a way to get back to you" Riven talking like this is somewhat off putting to Sky but comforting at the same time,"because if anything you told me about what she said in that letter is true. which it is, she truly loves you and, just like you, can't live without you. you are soulmates, fated to be together. there is no escaping fate. she is the love of your life, even a blind or deaf person can tell you two will end up being married." Sky looks at him confused. "oh don't be so stupid, I know that you want to spend the rest of your life with her, everyone knows it".

(okay now I'm officially crying. I'm meant to be doing homework, but does that stop me from writing this and crying over it, heck no it doesn't).


Riven was definitely right about something. I would do anything for her without a second thought. She saved my life in more than one way. she is my life for all I know at this point, my reason for living. We may both be stubborn but we keep each other going and support each other no matter what. As much as I would have loved to have stopped her from going to the realm of Darkness. I knew whatever I said wouldn't stop her.

When I said I loved her I didn't say it lightly. I truly love her. There is no one else for me. I did hope that it would stop her but I knew deep down it wouldn't stop her. Though hearing the same words from her mouth gave me hope that she wouldn't go to the realm of Darkness and never come back. She would come back to me. That fact is the one thing keeping me standing on this ground and not going stir crazy looking for a way to get her back, or at least get a message to her. She is the one person that keeps me grounded to this Earth. People say that you should move on from what happened but there is no moving on from her. It is impossible. When I get her back I will treat her right and love her the way she should. You always read about the legendary love that two people feel for each other and always think it is fiction and it can never happen to you because your life isn't a fairy tale. I never used to believe the stories, not until I met her. My love for her can only grow. Even with times like this I can only fall in love with her more for her courageousness. She would always be my reason to keep going.

For the past week I have been in my deepest emotions. not leaving my room for anything but food and drink. I have been looking through any book for anything I can find on the Realm of Darkness. what its like, if it is dangerous or even what it looks like. I want to know if Bloom is there that at least she can have nice surroundings and be safe. that's all I want. From what she said in her letter which I did end up reading after our final goodbye kiss before she stepped through the portal, she said a lot about what she found out earlier that day.

To my beloved Sky...

Well this is just a look into how emotional I'm going to get with this. some chapters may be shorter than others. this one was particularly long due to me being very sentimental and having had planned quite a bit of what was going to be said the night before writing this. if there is anything you would like to happen then please let me know as I would like to be able to fit it in somewhere with my short term plan. especially if there is any ideas for what to happen with Aisha, Stella, Musa, Terra and Flora. Also could do with some for Riven.

But for now

keep on loving to read.


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