Chapter 3 (edited for spelling)

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Bloom POV
How is she alive?
"Hello sweetheart, I've been waiting for you" she says with a sympathetic look. "You must have a lot of questions"
"Yeah I have quite a few... so you are my actual mother? How are you even alive. You should have been dead for hundreds of years now"
"Well why don't you sit down and I will answer some of these questions then."
I sat down on a nearby stump, being used as a seat clearly, hesitantly.
"So to answer your first question, yes I am your mother and for your second answer... we'll long story short this place has been enchanted so that even with the name, there is some upsides like not aging (I am literally making this up on the spot so bear with me). "what about your story? aren't you the littlest bit curious about what I did and why."

I made a slight smile towards that fact "well I have heard a bit over the past week or so. so I was born during a huge war and you put me into stasis?"

"that is true and you probably don't know the why, well one reason is quite simple that I didn't want you born in this type of world where all there is, is conflict. the other reason is that I knew deep down you weren't meant for this era, you would be born to a better world and would be the light of everyone's lives who met you, that was what I wanted and it seems that I have proven myself right, look at you, such a bright young girl. Now enough about me, I hate talking about myself, tell me about yourself and your friends.

well now I know where I got not liking talking about myself from. "I don't like talking about myself either, but I am now 18 (sorry if I'm wrong) i have many friends, most of them being my suite mates, there is Terra who is a Earth fairy, Aisha a water fairy, Stella- light fairy, Musa- mind fairy, Flora- Terra's 2nd cousin by marriage also an Earth fairy. they are all amazing in their own special way. I am lucky to have them."

I hold back on telling her about Sky for some reason but I think she can see that I am hesitating and keeping something because her face of tilted to the side and then she says "is there anyone else, it seems that you are hiding someone else from me... who is the handsome young man to steal your heart?"

damn she seems to know me better than myself already which i smile at the fact i then say " His name is Sky, he was the first person to welcome me to Alfea. despite the fact that he was in an on and off relationship with Stella at the time we just seemed to get each other some how. He didn't seem to care that I was a changeling. I bet if I said anything about what I did he wouldn't acre because that is just who he is, he chooses to see the good in people even if they have done horrible things and I will always be thankful for him." I am still smiling when i finish.

"you love him don't you" she replies smiling softly

"yeah I truly do. he loves me too. he said it to me before I came through the conduit. I said it back because I truly do love him. I cant see my life without him."

"well I hope to meet this young man and thank him for making my daughter one happy girl and that he should not mess it up between you two because I would hate to see you two dodging each other. I haven't even met him and I know he is one lucky man and he would be very happy to see you achieve your dreams."

"I'm the lucky one. even after what he went through in the past few weeks of having to kill his father to save his other father figure and getting to know his father after thinking he was dead his whole life" I took a deep breath thinking of the memories " even then he found the time to focus on me and look after and help me with everything." I close my eyes thinking of how happy he makes me and how i shouldn't deserve him but i wasn't lying , I really cant see my life without him. (anyone else crying?).

"well then he is one special person. sounds like he has been through a lot like you. sounds like you weigh each other out and it seems to have had a great impact on you. from being raised as a human and finding out that you are a fairy. he seems to get the pain you were going through. Well you will probably have to tell him that I give him permission to have your hand in marriage." she states with a wide smile on her face.

I take a second to process what she just said and then make a shocked face "oh my gosh it is way too early for that! we have barely been together 6 months."

well by the way you talk about him and how you say he treats you I doubt it will take long." she says with a wide smile

"well that's if I get back to him and he hasn't moved on-"

"don't even go there. sweetheart if I have learned anything in what you told me is that your love for each other is stronger than that. he will wit for you for as long it takes and I can bet you that is is doing everything in his power to get you back. because as much as I love you being here and getting to know each other, I know you don't belong here and you shouldn't think yourself as the reason for all of what Alfea has gone through. I can tell you that no matter if you were there or not there would have been some horrific outcome separating loved ones from one another. you will find a way back with my help and you will go find him and i mean it when i say this that you will never leave his side again. you two are meant for each other and you are stronger together than when apart. Got that?"

I smile widely knowing that i wont be able to argue with her and not wanting to argue with her statement at all knowing she is right i say "Okay, your right i need to get to hm. he is the love of my life and i am not letting anyone get in the way of us."

"that's the spirit. know lets get to finding your way out of here"

and that's what we did.

sorry guys for such a long wait. have been piled with homework and have mu mocks in about 2 weeks so the stress is building. i should have the other chapter up by tomorrow if not Wednesday. trying to get back on track with school work and writing the chapters so please don't get mad if i am not on schedule

anyway hope you enjoyed and hopefully see you in the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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