Chapter 6|Heartbreak

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(Start: 10-02-22; 06:38PM)
I'm writing on my computer ya'll, if anything messes up or looks weird that's why. Also, this is continuing from the last chapter... Kinda-

*+~{Strong Language}~+*
*+~{Some Spanish Sentences and/or Words}~+*
*+~{Mental Self Harm/Abuse}~+*

»»————>Chapter Start<————««
. . .
Marshall walked into the TV room and saw everyone gathered up talking, Zuma noticed Marshall and greeted him.
"Hey Mawshall, what's up?"
"Nothin', just lonely-"
"Oh, well wanna join?"
"Don't see why not-"

Marshall walked over to the group with Zuma and started talking with the others, they were just talking about their powers and the run-in they had with Chase's ex. While Chase was in his room on the verge of passing out, (sleep wise-) he looked over at his phone which was ringing. He ignored it and stared back at the ceiling; he just wanted this feeling to go away. Is that too much to ask? His phone started ringing repeatedly, he ended up answering it even though he didn't want to.

Call Start:

"What?" -Chase

"Uh, sorry if I disturbed you but do you know where Ryder is?" -Jake

"No? Don't tell me he's missing again..."

"No, no. I was supposed to meet up with him somewhere, but he never told me the location, so I thought you might've known."

"No, I don't know the location. Have you tried calling or texting him?"

"Yeah, he didn't answer or even see my text."

"Well, I'll try and let you know what happens..."

"Alright, hope I didn't worry you, Chase."

"No, no you're fine. But I'll talk with you later."

"Alright, talk with you later."

Call End:

Chase sighed and put his phone back down, he was too tired for this. He heard what sounded like running in the hallway and a few laughs. He turned over to face the wall and closed his eyes, he just wanted this feeling gone... is that really too much to ask for...?

_-[Time Skip]-_

Chase woke up to knocks at his door, he blinked a few times and rolled over rubbing his eyes.
He partially yelled, there was no response. He sat up and slid his hands over his face trying to wake up. He finally got out of bed and went over to his door and opened it to be met with Skye.
"I guess it's too late to say this but... I love you... and I wish you loved me back..."
Chase processed nothing but wish you loved me back and it made his heart ache. What did she mean by that? Did Tracker tell her, or did she find out somehow? Skye started tearing up and walked away crying, Chase snapped out of his thoughts and ran over to Skye stopping her.
"What do you mean by you wish I loved you back...?"
"You like Marshall... It's obvious..."

"No, I don't... I love you and have loved you for months now..."

"Sure, you have..."

Skye then ran off to her room, leaving Chase in his thoughts. The one person he truly loved, gone... all because of another... His eyes started watering before tears fell from them, He rushed back into his room and slammed his door before locking it and sliding down it. He started crying, but not from sadness... from anger. Why did he have to let himself do this? He hated himself now, he blamed himself for this. He didn't know what to do now, he was lost once again. He wiped his tears and stood up walking over to his bed, he stared at his phone before taking it off the charger and texting Marshall...

𝗣𝗔𝗪 𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹: 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖲𝖾𝖼𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗌Where stories live. Discover now