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I was on my couch crying ash walked in he noticed me cry and walked over to me
"What happened"He said
"They made her kill her baby"I said point to the tv
"Your crying because a movie"He said
"You don't understand you heartless monsters"I said he rolled his eyes and took my ice cream putting it in the freezer well when he found the freezer I have one of those fridges when it's side to side with a bottom part not top to bottom
"Ash its at the very bottom"I said he opened putting the ice cream back
"Go pack some clothes"He said
"Why your sleep over my house"He said I got up running upstairs missing a step
"Wow tala are you ok yeah no I'm fine!"I yelled he laughed
I went upstairs grabbing a pair of sleeping clothes with my slippers and my clothes for morning with my make and hair scrunches
I ran do the stairs
"You ready mama"He said I nodded we went out to his car I jumped in he made sure my lights was off and locked the door we started driving I was play on his phone because mine was dead we pulled to his house he grabbed my bag and I got out I opened the door for him and he walked in
"Don't be doing that people gonna be thinking I'm controlling you and shit"ash said he took my bag upstairs I ran to fez he was at the table counting drug
"Hey fez"I said
"Sup tala"He said
I talked to for a minute then ash yelled my name I walked upstairs and to his room
He was in the bed watching tv
"Wyd"I said
"I'm watching tv"he mumbled
"What"I said not hearing him
"Me watching tv"He said louder
"I'm not dumb ash I just didn't hear you dummy"I said
"Whatever loser"He said laughing
"Your the loser"I said
"Your the one with no friends"he said
Then something hit me
"Ash?"I asked
"Yes mamas"he said
"Why don't I have friends"I said
He looked confused and paused the tv
"Umm I don't kno-"he started but I cut him off
"Am I weird is that why people don't like me"I said
"No ma is not that"he said
"Do you think I'm weird and annoying"I said tearing up
"No of course not"he said
"Do you really want to be my friend or did my parents pay you"my parents don't like that I'm a loner or that people only use me because where rich so they pay some kids to be my friends but I cut them all off
"No mama of course not I don't even know your parents I'm not hanging out with you because they paid me or your weird"He said
"I'm hanging out with you for you"He said
I smiled
"Sorry"I said
"It's fine"He said me and him went downstairs I was talking to him
"Shut up ashtray"I said
"You shut up"he said
"That's why your short"I said
"I'm taller then you"He said
And it was true ash was taller then me he was like 6,2 was 5,0 it was low key embarrassing
Fez came behind me and picked me up
"Stop!"I said he put me on The counter
"Congratulations your now taller then ash"he said
"Shut up"I said he grabbed a water bottle about to pour it on me
"Alright chill chill chill I didn't take my makeup off"I said
"Girl since when do you wear makeup the only makeup you wear is lip gloss and them stupid ass eye lashes"He said
"No but fr chill"I said ash help me down
"Dang man now I'm short again"Is said they laughed

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