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➜That same night ➜
Ash was playing the game I was in his lap On my phone I yawned
"You sleepy mama "He said
I nodded he got off the game and laid me on the bed while he went through my bag for clothes he grabbed my pajamas and I sat there awkwardly
"Umm ash"I said
"Yes"He said
"Can you know kind of turn around so I can get dressed"I said
"Oh yeah"He turned I took my shirt and pants off and put the shirts and shorts on I'm surprised ash didn't try to sneak a look
"I'm done you can't turn around now"he turned and looked me up and down
"Why you have so many cuts on to legs"He said I looked
"Umm there from"I tried to make up a lie
"Ma do you be cutting yo self"he asked
"No I just scratch my legs a lot"I could tell he didn't buy it but he still nodded with agreement
"I mean ok if you say so"He sat on the bed with me
"You only hear about people cutting they wrist and shit and you don't have cuts on your wrist"he said
I laid down He got up
"Ash where you going"I said
"Downstairs,I will sleep down there"He said
I grabbed his shirt
"No please stay with me"I said he sighed and laid next to me
"Good night ash"I said
"Good night mamas"he said
I woke up to someone shaking me it was ash
"Mamas you got to get up"ash said
"No why"I said
"You got school and shit"he said
"No I don't want to go"I said whining
"Mamas please get up"he said
"Fine!"i whined
"Go get in the shower and get dressed I will be waiting downstairs for you"he said he left and I got up picked some clothes out and went to the shower i washed my body with my sensitive body wash my skin is really sensitive so I only use certain products after I was done I tried my hair as much as I can I brushed my teeth and got dressed I went downstairs with my bag and phone ash looked at me
"You ready"he said I nodded we got in the car and he drove me to school quickly him and fezco had something to do he pulled up to the school
"Alright Bye mamas"He said
"Bye Ash"I got out the car and walked in school I walked in school walking to my locker I put my things up and went to class it was a class I had with kat instead of focusing in class I was watch birds fly
"Ms.tala do you know the answer"my teacher asked
"Umm Yeah?"I said
"Ok come write it on the board
I got up and took the marker I wrote down an answer that I didn't know was the answer or not
"It's wrong"he said
I looked down in shame
"No actually it's right"kat said
"Yeah it is"another student said
"So mr.(random teacher name) I think tala actually got the answer right so how about you stay in a teachers place"kat said I sat back down she smiled to me I smiled back
⚠️Self harm,bullying⚠️
Some time later it was lunchtime I was walking to my seat when these girls stopped me
"Hey wanna sit with us"one said
"Me"I asked
"Yeah"she said I nodded and sat down
"So is it true your parents are really rich"a blonde one said I nodded
"Wow you must love all the money and attention"one with dyed blue hair said
"No I don't really get attention"I said
"I know why because your a freak"the same blonde said
"What"I said
"Your a adhd having freak"she said making the whole table laugh
"Freak"the whole table was chanting I
got up and ran to the bathroom
"No I'm not no I'm not no I'm not"I said crying
I took the blade out pulling my pants down running the blade across my thigh making big cuts it hurt I promised Maddy and I promised myself I wouldn't do this again but I keep doing it
*Time jump*
I was walking home from school when a car pulled up next to me it was ashtray
"Tala"he said I kept walking
"Tala!i Know you fucking hear me"he said
I stopped walking
"Yes ash"I said
"Get in the car why are you fucking walking"he said
"I just wanted to clear my mind"I got in the car
"Where you cry"he said
"No"I said
"That's a lie but whatever"he said
We drove in silence we got to my house and I opened the door I saw Annie she greeted me
"Hey honey I was just leaving"she said
"Oh hi Annie"I said she left and me and ash sat on the couch
"Ash can I ask you for advice"I said
"Sure"He said
"I have a friend and she self harms and she wants to stop but she can't What should I do to help her"he looked at me
"Who is your friend tala"he asked
"Dose it actually matter"I said he rolled his eyes
"Well you should get her to tell someone or try to make her stop"he said
"But everything people do and say about her makes her said and she can't control it"I said laying my head on his chest
"What do they say to her"he say brush my hair
"They call her a freak,a loser, nobody is her friend they don't try to be it's not far ash"I said
"It doesn't matter what the say about yo-her ok as long as she is happy how she is it doesn't matter and it never will"he said I nodded
I yawned and her carried me up stairs and put me in bed kissing my fire head
"Thank you ash"I said
"Your welcome mama good night"he said
And I fell asleep

Yo sorry I haven't really been uploaded school is getting on my f**king never a but I will try harder

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