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I woke up and got in the shower getting ready for school I did my hair makeup and put on the outfit Maddy picked out for me ^
I was finishing up my hair and everybody was blowing my phone the fuck up like ugh it is the first day of school leave me the hell alone

❤️💬↗️Liked by RueRue🤪lexluv😇 playboi

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Liked by RueRue🤪lexluv😇 playboi.ash Fezco_$ cassIE👸🏼KitKat theylovemad and mor
Brzt.tala😇- Y'all hoez really Dick riding me this morning, y'all riding my bike a little too hard hop off @offlineCassie @theylovemad
@RueRue🤪 @kitkat
theylovemad:Gurl anwers the phone!
RueRue🤪:Get the fuck to school
^Brzt.tala😇:don't do to much I'm coming
OfflineCassie:Girl you acting like you need all that time to get ready you don't so get to school
KitKat:I called because everybody else was calling,thought is was the new trend
Liked by creator❤️
I grabbed my bag and ran out the house and walked to school when nate pulled up with Maddy in the car
"Get in bitch"she said
I got in they where arguing and yelling it was easy for me to ignore it because well I wasn't gonna to parlay attention anyways we got to school I jumped out and ran in I went to my locker that was close to maddys
I opened it and put my stuff in only grabbed my books binder pen phone and water bottle my classes went flying by quick I went to lunch I usual sat by myself I'm ok with it
⚠️Self harm trigger warning⚠️
I need to use it so I Went  to the bathroom girls walked in
"Hey did you know a girl with adhd is at are school"One said I put my feet up
"Yeah that bitch is crazy remember the one day she was in class with us and she literally couldn't pay attention for one fucking second"she said I started silently crying
"Yeah she is a freak"another added
"Is that the reason she has no friends"I heard
"Yeah I mean who wants to be friends with that bitch her parents are gonna have to pay me like they did Nina (ex best friend) to be her friend"she said
I had a blade in my pocket I pulled my pants down and I ran the blade over my thigh more then one time I promised my self I would stop but they made me I pulled my pants up and fixed me self went back to lunch waited for it to be over before I knew it I I went to the last class of the day I sat next to the teacher not because Im a bad kid just because I don't pay attention so she helps me some times
She was teaching us.....something and I was looking at the window at the birds
I got a text from ashtray I opened it

something and I was looking at the window at the birds I got a text from ashtray I opened it

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The teacher passed out the papers "Ok class try your best get as many questions as you can before you start if you have a phone turn it into the Ben you will get it back after the quiz"she said me and others put are phones in the Ben I begin I did...

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The teacher passed out the papers
"Ok class try your best get as many questions as you can before you start if you have a phone turn it into the Ben you will get it back after the quiz"she said me and others put are phones in the Ben I begin I didn't just put anything I tried my best
☹︎Time jump☺︎
I was done with it I was the last one done everybody was doing what the wanted She just wanted to grade the papers quickly I was drawing class was literally almost over in 5 minutes
"Ok class start packing up I'm passing back the quiz look at your grade and how man question you got right"She passed mine back
"I'm proud of you"she said the walked away
I looked at it I got 18 questions right out of 20
I smiled the bell rang I grabbed my things and went outside I was walking with Maddy then I seen ash leaning on a car he waved at me
"Ohh girl get it"maddy teased she hip bumped me I pushed her she laughed and kissed my cheek
"Ok see you later angel"she said running to Nate's car I walked over to ash
We got in the car he started driving I gave him the paper he smiled
"See all you have to do is try"he said
He gave me a bag it was my favorite ice cream
"Thank you ashy bear"I said
"Don't call me that"he said seriously
"Ok"I said knowing I was still going to call him that
We drove to my house
"See you tomorrow mamas"he said
"Ok bye ash"I walked to my door but stopped and turned around I went back to the side of his car and gave him a kiss on the cheek Then ran in my house
they grow up so fast😭

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