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cast party time!

Location- Aiden's Extremely Huge House

Day- The Day After Mean Girls

Time- 7:00 pm


today is the cast party, and I'm excited and equally terrified. After Eden gave Reagan a bloody nose and Reagan tripped McKayla, there's been a lot of tension building up between our friend group. And now we are all going to be trapped in a house for pretty much the whole night together. Nice.

As I stand in front of Aiden's monstrous house, I wonder what kind of black market deals her parents make to get that kind of money. Obviously more than one kidney. Also, the fact that her house has its own name, and something as pretentious as 'Dove Mount' makes me seriously question who raised Aiden.

I sigh and walk to the front door and knock on it, and Aiden appears in front of me. Pretty much the rest of the cast is here, so about 15 or so people are cluttered in her living room and kitchen with red solo cups already supplied.

"Thanks. Uhhh, nice house?" I laugh a little as I walk inside the threshold.

"Thank you! It was built only last summer." She responds as we walk together around her living room, which is about the size of my entire house.

I then see Eden, McKayla, Ethan, Kathrine, and Reagan all sitting in a circle with a bottle in the middle of them.

"Finally, we can start. Sit down with us so we can play." Kathrine says as she looks at us excitedly.

"Oh god. Spin the bottle? Really?" I sigh, but sit down anyways. Aiden sits next to me.

"Yes, really, coward." Ethan says.

"I don't know if you remember, but last time I played spin the bottle, McJayla happened. Do we want that?" I respond.

"Come on, Jericho, it will be fun!" Aiden says as she playfully pushes me. I laugh a little bit and remember how cute she is, and reluctantly agree. "Okay, who's going first?"

"I will." Mckayla says quickly. I can practically feel the tension between her, Eden, and Reagan. McKayla leans over and spins the bottle. We all watch as it slows down quickly and ends up facing Kathrine.

"Holy shit." Kathrine says. McKayla looks over at her and smiles, before leaning in and kissing her. Everyone does the 'oooooh!!' As they kiss.

They're both laughing by the time they've stopped, and the air eases around them slightly. Kathrine looks really flustered and she drinks from a cup next to her before going back to the circle.

"Okay, Reagan's turn." McKayla glares at her wistfully, and smirks.

Reagan doesn't say anything as she spins the bottle quickly. More tension builds because, well, no one wants to kiss Reagan. Reagan's eyes widen as the bottle lands directly on Eden.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." Reagan says while looking away.

"No, you guys have to do it. It's the rules." Ethan says as he crosses his arms. Eden sighs and kisses Reagan who immediately pulls away and acts disgusted. Eden sits back and laughs. Reagan rushes away and into the bathroom, I assume.

"What a drama queen." McKayla says as she watches Reagan leave.

"She'll come back soon, probably. No one go after her. Leave her be, for now." Kathrine tells us. "Anyways, Jericho, do you wanna go next?"

"You know what? Sure." I shrug and spin the bottle hastily, almost wanting to close my eyes because I really don't want to kiss anyone here other than Aiden.

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