Chapter 3

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-Mitch and Carl got ready for the baseball game and you sat on Carls bed and talked to them while they got ready- "You guys are so dead, O'Bannion hates when people are like that with him" you say and sigh "how do we avoid him?" Carl asks -His mom walks in- "you have a phone call Car" she says and they both walk out of the room. "Thanks for trying to help" Mitch says and sits beside you. "Yeah it's no problem" you smile and sit closer to him. -he gets flustered and does his little awkward nose grab thing- "wanna try and stay the night with me tonight?" You ask looking at him. "Sure I can try" He says -Carl walks in and makes a weird face- "please tell me you guys were not just kissing or making out in my room on my bed" he says jokingly -you blush- "we were not!" You say and throw a pillow at him

-he throws the pillow back at you- "well let's go guys my mom is dropping us off!" He says -you all walk out and drive to the baseball game-

Mitch's POV: (in his thoughts he was thinking all of this during the game)
I think I like Y/N she's just so beautiful and she's really cool. I think her brother has a problem with me but I still like her. She's pretty nice. I should ask if she wants to hang out after the game, but I'm a little scared. She's way to cool for me. If she says no I would be so embarrassed but I think I might ask anyways. But what if Randall sees. I'm just going to do it anyways. I mean it's not like he's not already after me anyways. I'm just overthinking.

Your POV:
Mitch is so cute, I like him a lot. I really hope we end up dating or at least just be friends if we don't date. I'm not going to say anything to him about liking him. I feel like he wouldn't like me back and i don't wanna get rejected. I'm definitely not gonna tell pink that I like Mitch, cause he's already after him and I don't want it to be worse for him. Anyways I'm gonna try to focus on the game. Oh wait? Why the fuck is Pink here?

-you get up and walk over to Pink- "what are you doing here? Please do not hurt Mitch. He is quiet I don't know how you could have any problems with him!!" Pink took you away from his friends "listen none of us have a problem with him they are just doing it to be assholes I'm not even planning on being there when they do it, so don't get all pissy with me!"He says with an attitude "get them not to." You say and walk away, you walk past the group of senior boys and glared at them. You were only really ok with Benny out of the three that were there. Benny was the nicest to you but you were still mad at him. You hated O'Bannion though. You looked at him and made eye contact "he is such a bitch" you mumbled under you breath

"What'd you say Floyd, I bet you think you the shit because your Pinks sister," He walked closer to you and cornered you "but your not your just this dumbass freshman, I should-" Benny interrupts him "I think that's enough Fred, before I hold you down and let her beat the shit out of you, we're here for Mitch not Y/N and I'm sure if Pink found out about this he would kick your ass! I'm just saying though" He whispers between the three of us you quickly push him out of the way and run. "She's a bitch" O'Bannion says and watches you run away.

You watch the rest of the game and you see Mitch, Carl, and Tommy talking. You were confused because Carl and Tommy started walking away from Mitch and Mitch turned around and walked away from the to the other side of the baseball field to the bigger fence. You then realized that he was saving Tommy and Carl from getting they're asses kicked.

-time skip-

You ran to where they were paddling him at and O'Bannion was doing his turn. You clenched your fist "get off of him right now." You say firmly and give O'Bannion a death stare. "Shut the fuck up or your next Floyd!" He says and continues. You walk over to him and push him out of the way and stand in front of Mitch. "Go. Right now." You glare at him, you knew that if he didn't leave there was going to be problems. You may have been tinier than him but you could definitely kick his ass. "You know what, I'm just gonna go find you little friends Carl and Tommy! And Carls mom" he says and storms off.

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