Chapter 6

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You change into the dress since he's more comfortable with it and you put one of his sweatshirts on and you put your shoes back on "Pink should be here anytime" you say and run into the living room and look out the window. He runs after you and stands in front of the couch since your sitting on it "what do you wanna do while we wait?" You ask him so he doesn't get bored of you. "I'm fine with anything" he shrugs. You smile and get up and pretend your going to punch him (play fighting btw)

He tackles you onto the couch and you both laugh. He lays on top of you and lays his head on your chest, you start playing with his hair. "Oh hey, we never smoked" he says and closes his eyes "we can do it in the car since I don't want your mom to smell it" he nods and starts to fall asleep. His mom walks in she had just gotten home from work "MITCH, IM HOME!!" She yells thinking he's in his room. He's literally dead asleep on top of you. A couple minutes later she walks into the living room and looks at you guys and freezes. "Who are you?" She asks but not in a mean way. "I'm Y/N, me and Mitch are dating" you pinch his side to wake him up "what the hell Y/N, what was that for" he jolts up and sees his mom and pushes himself off of you "oh uh hey mom!" He says awkwardly and punches his nose (that little awkward nose thing he does in the movie)

You sit up "Hey Mitchy" she says and looks back at you when she looks at you he also turns to look at you and makes a face "your really pretty" she says and smiles, that makes Mitch smile as well and now your smiling. Your not off to a bad start with his mom and it made you glad because you don't get along with a lot of people so at least his mom likes you. "Hey mom I'm going out with my friend his name is Randall but his nickname is pink and I might stay at his house tonight is that ok?" He asks "yes that's fine just stay safe" she says hugging him and he runs back to him room and grabs your backpack and puts a couple clothes in it.

Pink pulls up outside and beeps his horn, you both say bye to his mom and run out to the car Wooderson was driving in his car so it wasn't pinks but you and Mitch were both sitting in the back together since obviously pink was sitting up front. You say really close to Mitch. "Hey kid?" He said to Mitch "yeah what's up?" He asked. "Do you got a joint?" He asks "no not on me" Mitch says and looks at you "it'd be a lot cooler if you did" Wooderson said and chuckled a little. Pink looked back at you and Mitch and smiled "so what did you guys do?" He asks "well we just got ready for the party" you say Mitch nods his head in agreement "well there's kind of a change in plans, Pickford got caught because the beer person came early and his parents found out he was gonna have a party" Pink says with disappointment "so we are going to the emporium instead which isn't that bad" he shrugs "why would the guy come early that's dumb" you say and make an annoyed face. "Yeah it is pretty dumb" Pink agrees.

You guys pull up to the emporium and get out of the car. Jodi is there so Mitch runs up to her. You see Benny and walk over to him "hey is O'Bannion here" you ask. "Well not yet but he will be, haven't seen you in awhile how's it been?" He says and gives you a hug. He's like a second brother to you "it's been alright I have a boyfriend, don't be mad at me if I tell you who it is" you say "who is it I swear if it's some senior I'll kick your asses" he says. "It's Mitch Kramer" you say smiling, anytime you think about Mitch you get happy. "Oh that's not bad I'm fine with that he seems like a good kid" Benny says and shrugs.

Jodi walks over to you smiling "you look good in my dress, if you want you can have it" she says, that made you pretty happy since his mom and sister like you "really?" You ask smiling "yeah of course, im in your friend group and I know you so im fine with you!" She says and hugs you. Pink and Mitch walk over to you with Don. "Hey guys" Don say and punches your arm in a light joking way "hey idiots" you say smiling "let's go inside" Benny says and you all start walking in.

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