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Same as cannon but Naruko opponent got the living shit beaten out of him
Hope you like this chapter or not
by demons and angels. As I decided to try to leave off where Pokeball97 left his story Legend of Zelda: Return to Termina but my version

Time skip a few hours

I find Sakura and the guy who died to sticks in canon. Yes, I knew that happened in my past life.

I turn to them as Neji says

"Go, fate has declared me the destroyer Konoha." I snort and

"Shut up about this fate shit even if I have beat it out of you." I start my assaulting as I start by using explosion release. Then I start with Sakura as she goes stage two and yells

"You are coming with me and you WILL marry me!!" I just laugh as she rushes me. I just freeze her as I make her melt.
Before she can move I use the Lightning Cloak and continuously hit her like a pinball. I decided I was done with this and Kamui her to my pocket dimension. Ad I turn to Neji I am relieved he is stage two.

As he rushes me he tries to hit me with a  Juukin. I dodge and use a chakra and Goron enhanced. As he goes flying I teleport behind him. And kick him in the back he goes flying forward. I proceed to continue my assault. As he barely hits my arm I feel the pain. But I continue to knock him around. I send an electrical surge through his body.

As he falls I catch him and use Kamui. Before helping my teammates with there battles before carrying the injured on my back.
Which was all of them but I didn't mind.

As we are approaching the gates of Konoha. I see the rest of the Konoha twelve. As we approach I activities my Triforce sharingon and Kamui and send them back to earth.

As they appear I take them to the hospital. As I walk home I catch a glimpse of Naruko and walk up to her and say.

"Come with me this is incredibly important." We Kamui to my house as I pull out the Ocarina of Time. And start playing the song of time. As we go back in time I change the song a bit as we teleport to a new timeline. As we are in a house with the Hero of Time wearing
A girl's dress.

I change the Ocarina to my new invention the Ocarina of Memory.
As I play the song of healing he falls as well as two red-haired women fall as well.

I turn to Naruko and nod as she follows me as we run to a random house and stop before the guy rapped in bandages looking at a girl. In red hair. I stab the guy through the chest and walk up to the girl and play the same song.

I continue to run as I wipe out the guards and turn to a certain cell.
As I see a girl with blond hair she looks at me with a quizzical look and asks.

"Who are you?" I say

"A timeline traveler but that's not the point we can't let Demise be reborn." I grab her arm as we teleport to the Mayor's office.

As we make it to his office. We look in horror as we see him using himself as a sacrifice. I see Demise and Majora rising from his body. As they turn toward me and say

"Go boy you cannot defeat us." I just laugh and reply

"You shouldn't be so sure."

I rush them and kick them in the stomach. As they fly back I use my Triforce Sharingan and use Amaterasu.

As they burn I stop the Amaterasu and add it to my Triforce attack. As I also use Yin-Yang chakra in the attack. As I slam one into each God as they dissolve.

I teleport to Naruko and use the Ocarina. As we appear at my house.

I turn to Naruko and say

"Shall we go to the meeting I ask? She replies

"Not yet Green Boy." as she takes my hat and run away and grab a stick and say

I'm Link the greatest warrior of all time!" I reply

"And I'm Naruko I love Ramon and training but I also have a huge crush on Link."

Up in heaven
Time and Malon just start dies laughing.
As Malon says

"Remember that Link, when we used to play like that." Time nods and says while laughing

"Yes, I do those were the best time in my life."

Back with Link

I'm chasing her as I trip she stands over me and says

"I'm Link and I'm unstoppable." I roll out of her grasp and grab my hat as she chases me trying to hit me with her stick.

As she catches up with me I propose

"Hey let's go to the meeting." She nods as we walk to the meeting.

Hey guy how are you doing you know the story that this chapter is after well I kinda felt empty cause I wanted to finish it since Pokeball97 didn't continue the story so yeah if you haven't read it on so buy demon and angels

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