Chance Encounters Chapter 4

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December 2017 Otabek

As I watched him leave with his new manga, I sighed to think I'd run into Yuri's dead friend..Well obviously, he isn't right now. Well, I guess it makes sense... I traveled to a year before I met Yuri, so that means he's still around too. Maybe I should've accepted the invite, but I don't think I'm emotionally ready to see Yuri yet... The last time I saw him, he was being lowered into the ground... and I didn't want his first impression of me to be me bursting into tears. Besides, if I'm remembering correctly, Trevor confesses to him today, and It'd be awkward if I was there. Almost on schedule, my phone buzzed.

"Alright Sasha, mom says our break is over. It's time to go home and continue to help her unpack," I said as we left the bookstore and headed down the street to where we parked our bikes. I hope that they weren't stolen. I locked them down, but as I rounded the corner, I was relieved to see them waiting for us. I missed the freedom of my motorbike so much. Still, Mom doesn't officially give me that bike till I was 15 and received my learner's permit, and it's not like she'd believe me when I tell her I've been riding for 8 years now and will be perfectly safe. But I guess the manual bike is nostalgic to bike rides around town with Alina and quick errands mom would send us on. Riding to Alina's ballet studio to sneak ice cream from their socials... So many memories in this one small town. And I haven't thought about any of them in years. I had always kept busy with my part-time job and school work, anything to keep me from thinking about his death. Now I know he's here. I could run into him whenever. I just hope that when I do... I don't cry. And then, almost like a cruel joke across the street, I saw him. Blonde locks flew in the wind as he walked side by side with the ever popular Victor. Together they had the radiance of celebrities. I couldn't pull my eyes away from Yuri; there he was, in the flesh. I couldn't overthink it before I came crashing into a pole.

"Beka! Are you ok!!" My sister exclaimed, "Did you space out? What if you had pulled into the street? You have to be more careful!"

As she exclaimed, I rubbed my head and checked my bike to ensure I didn't break anything. As I looked around, I swear our eyes met mine and his. Great, that's gonna be what Yuri remembers if I introduce myself to him now... Maybe I should just lay low, give him time to forget.

"Did you see that? That strange kid was staring at Victor?" a female voice said in the distance "Do you think he may be one of those gays?"

"Oh come on now, I'm sure he was eye some cute girl over here, though I doubt he'll get a date after that mess up," snickered another.

"Beka! Are you paying me any attention? Did you hit your head!"

"No, I didn't worry; I was distracted...."

"Well, I didn't think you drove into the pole on purpose. Of course, you're distracted!"

"Well, yea but.."

"Come on, mom is waiting. You can be weird at a later time!"

As we got home. I was still in shock. I saw him; I really saw him. Our eyes met. He is here. I knew I'd see him eventually, but seeing him made it real. Though I was still in shock, it was all sinking in quickly. As I realized if I failed, I'd have to watch him die all over again. I'm not sure I can do this. Maybe this was all a mistake. Perhaps if I keep my head down and ignore him, it'll all pass soon. But if I gave up my one chance... Would I forgive myself when the time came to look at him in the casket again? No, of course not. You need to grow up, Otabek. You may not look it at the moment, but you are 22... Then why has it never felt that way? Why do I still feel 12?

I tried my best to not think about him as we unpacked our boxes. But I can see it all so vividly. His golden hair pulled half-haphazardly out of his face. His oversized sweater and sweatpants. That contrasted with Victor in his stylish clothes. After all these years, he still has that power over me, the ability to consume my thoughts with one look. I have to wonder if why I can't stop thinking about him is because of my lingering feelings for him. Or because I know he currently isn't long for this world. It's probably both, to be honest.

"The house is shaping up nicely." my mother said as we ate dinner. It brought me back to reality. "I appreciate you both working so hard. You guys should take tomorrow to go to the park. You guys don't start school till after winter break. You'll never be kids again after all you should enjoy it."

I had to stop snickering as my mom said that last part, "What about you, mom? You could use the break too."

"No, I should stay here and keep unpacking. I start work in a few days, so I should get as much down as I can before that."

"The fact you start work again soon is more reason you should relax. You know, these boxes will survive one day of being left alone." I protested.

"Alright, fine... We'll all go tomorrow." my mother conceded. "I have to wonder... When did you begin to grow up so fast... It feels like yesterday you were begging me for the newest video games and to stay up later to watch your favorite shows... Time.. it moves so fast.."

"Why are you running away?" a familiar voice asks as I fall asleep. It causes me to shoot up in my bed. I'm in the room I fell asleep in but at the foot of my bed stood Trevor, or rather his ghost.

"What are you talking about?"

"Today, you had 2 chances... First one offered by myself and another in your encounter, but you didn't pursue either."

"Well, of course not, I just met Trevor- er... You, today it would be weird for me to go to your birthday besides you of all people know you confessed today it would be weird. Also, Yuri was across the street from me. Could you imagine if some stranger crashed his bike into a pole and then came running at you like, hey, let's be friends, you'd be terrified!"

"Maybe so... But you could have made an excuse to stay out later and find a way to make contact. But you didn't. You're avoiding him, I can tell."

"What do you expect!? The last time I saw him, he was already gone, and you expect me to walk up and start a conversation like it's nothing! Like I didn't love him, like I didn't watch him die!"

"Ah yes, this is all true... but tell me, how do you expect to help them, help them face their demons if you can't face your own. Every time you have the chance to work through the tragedies of your past, you turn away and pretend nothing happened. Of course, you're not over his death. You still haven't fully acknowledged your own sisters.

"Otabek! It's time for breakfast," Alina called from my doorway as I slowly woke "Come on, get up; mom made pancakes! Get dressed!"

As I rubbed my eyes, I was annoyed. Why does the school have to be so early? In fact, why do I have to go to school anyway? I could do much more fun things like watch Spongebob or play Pokemon Ruby. I guess there was one thing to look forward to at school, story time was always fun, and our teacher always had the best snacks with Oreos and Goldfish. I hear some of the other classes are giving apple slices and Triscuits. However, I think I could improve our class by cutting the math portion and just extending the free period cause I don't really see the purpose math has besides getting candy for answer the questions correctly. The calendar on my bedroom wall read September 2008. As I turned the corner to get my breakfast, I saw that Alina and mama weren't alone at the table. Sitting next to my mom was a man. It wasn't uncommon to see him in the morning. I think he's a family friend or something cause he's here a lot and mom seems happier when he's around.

"Hey! There's the man of the hour." he said as I sat at my spot "You ready for school today, champ!"

"Yeah, I guess... Ms. Sallyberry is gonna finish the book today, and it's my turn to choose the next book, so hopefully, I choose a good one; otherwise, my classmates will be upset with me again.."

"Hey, I'm sure you'll do fine... Hey Alina, you have your fall recital soon; if you want, we can go shopping for flowers to give to your ballet mistress; what do you say?"

"I mean, I guess... Minako always loves to receive flowers..."

"Otabek! Breakfast!' my mother called, waking me up. A sense of dread lingered. What was that? A memory? How does a memory from when I was 5 help me? What is he trying to tell me? And what did he mean I haven't acknowledged her death? Of course, I have. It's pretty apparent she's gone. What more is there to say about it. But I decided to not dwell on his words or my dream. As I looked at my walk, the calendar read December 2017. Today my family and I are going to the park. I should take this as a day to relax, don't think about Yuri, don't think about Trevor. Just clear my head. After all, I'll have plenty of time to get to know them when school starts.

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