Chapter 7

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It's already the end of the day and I just finished eating pasta with the family. I sat in my room, thinking the whole night. I wanted to know who the spirit was. I had to find out. While I was brainstorming, my mom walked in. "Giselle, I know this is late but I have a birthday gift for you." I looked up at her, I had a confused look on my face. "What is it?" "Okay well you know how you told me that you wanted to be a writer? Well, I got you your own diary!" She seemed excited. It was a really pretty diary. "Wow, thanks mom! I love it. But, what if I don't know what to write?" "Oh honey I'm sure you will figure it out. Just write about what goes on in your life! At least do one page a day." I looked at the diary for about a minute. "Okay fine, I will." "Glad you like it! I will be downstairs washing the dishes okay?" "Alright thanks mom." Then, she walked out. One page a day huh?

I took out my pencil and started to write about what happened today. I met Ryder, I did homework, I thought about spirits... wow nothing interesting happened today. But to spice it up, I added in how I liked Ryder and how I felt a connection with him. When I finished, I looked at my writing and smiled. I closed my diary and went to take a shower.

After my long shower, I put on my favorite Japanese bear onesie and got into my bed. I felt really comfortable in bed tonight for once. Then, I played my Ed Sheeran music. I love him. I just felt like I needed to clear my mind with his smooth and beautiful songs tonight.

It was 11:00 p.m and I couldn't sleep for some weird reason. I heard a leaking noise coming from somewhere in the house. It had to be a sink or a bath tub, but it wasn't my bathroom. I got out of my bed and went to explore the house with my flashlight. Not downstairs, not the second floor where everyone's bedrooms were, but it came from the third floor. I went upstairs and looked around. Then, I entered my dad's office. I checked the bathroom in it and I gasped. The bath tub was filled all the way to the top and the water was over flowing. Nobody was in the bath, and the faucet was leaking. I turned on the light so I could see better, but that just made things worse. I saw bloody handprints on the side of the bathtub. "AHHHHH OH MY GOD!" I never say God's name in vein, but it just came out. I was scared for my life. Then, I saw a pale little girl with long black hair in the mirror, standing in the tub. She gave me that I-am-totally-going-to-kill-you stare. "MOM, DAD, HELP!!!" I screamed and cried. Then I ran out of the bathroom and sat on the office floor, bursting into tears. "Why is this happening to me?" I thought to myself.

My mom and dad came running into the office. My dad immediately said, "Giselle what's going on is everything okay? Tell me right now!" I tried to stop crying. "Daddy look in the bathroom! Look, hurry!" As he entered the bathroom, my mom followed him. "Giselle, are you okay? The bathroom looks perfectly fine. I don't know what you're talking about" my dad said, worried about me. I turned around towards the bathroom and saw that the tub was not filled anymore and the hand prints were gone. "But.. but.." Then my mom spoke, "Giselle honey calm down everything's okay did you have a nightmare? Let me bring you to bed." I let her carry me back to my bed. My dad investigated more but everything was gone. It seems like the spirits are just haunting me instead of everybody else in the house.

When my mom put me in my bed, I began to speak. I wanted to tell her what actually happened. "Mom, I heard a leak. I swear I heard it! I went searching for it and I saw the water in the tub, and it was up all the way and there were bloody handprints on the walls... and I saw a pale girl with long black hair!" Then I broke into tears again and hugged my mom. "Giselle, baby, that stuff isn't real. I think you're having nightmares." "No! I promise that happened mommy please believe me! I have been seeing these things lately and I need help, I want you to help me and believe me." My mom sighed. "Do you want to sleep with us tonight Gigi?" "Yes." Then, she held my hand and we both walked to their room. I got into their bed and we all slept together. I felt a lot safer but it got really hot. It took a while for me to fall asleep but since the bed was big and cozy, I fell asleep faster than it takes for me to fall asleep in my room.

It was 10:00 a.m when I was awoken by my mom on a Saturday morning. "Gigi, our butler, Candice, is here and she wants to meet you! Come say hi to her." I woke up, and I felt excited because this means I don't have to stay home alone anymore. I got out of bed and followed my mom downstairs to the smell of French toast. "Hi, you must be Giselle! I am Candice. I'll be taking care of you when your parents are gone and I'll help clean up the house and cook." She seemed like a very nice person. "Hi Candice! I'm so happy to have you here." I hoped that didn't sound weird. I sat down with my family and we all ate Candice's French toast. "Thanks that was really good!" I said to her. "No problem, glad you liked it." She cleaned up everybody's dishes and the table.

I ran upstairs to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then, I put on sweatpants with a white t-shirt and socks. I ran downstairs to the living room with my diary and pencil so I could write about my experience from last night and meeting Candice. As I was writing, Candice came into the living room to vacuum the rug. "Hey sweetie, mind if I vacuum?" "I don't mind at all, go ahead." I said, smiling to her. "Thanks!" Then she started to vacuum. Finally, I finished writing. After that, my friend, Kylie, texted me. When I saw her text, I nearly fainted with joy.

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