Intro- Into the terrors

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Kai slumped his body against the seat of the taxi he sat in, trying his best to stay awake the rest of the night. His eyes were half closed, his head clouded with thoughts and memories. He wished to shut down in every way possible. Physically and mentally.


The sound of the quiet radio from the car was the only thing stopping him from falling into a deep sleep that his body desired so dearly. The song that played reminded him of his fathers nights spent drinking, when he’d come home from Gangnam or Itaweon with no more soberness than he left with. Holding his sister tightly when he would yell and fight. Kai sighed at the memory.

He didn't want to think anymore. Not about his father anymore. Kai had run away. He had left the horrors he had called home for all his life. Sitting alone in a taxi was the first thing he’d done without his fathers money or company and showed that he didn't need him nor his money to survive.

He was going to survive on his own. He could be fine on his own. He was sure of it.

The taxi driver looked up through his rearview mirror, his eyes meeting with Kai’s dreary ones for no more than a second. He was clearly nervous as he drove down the steep roads that seemed hidden from the rest of the world.

As the taxi drove down the winding streets of darkness Kai couldn't help but hang his head low, his bleach blonde hair hiding his eyes. Where he was going barely anyone knew.

“Sir, this is far from any civilization, are you sure this is where you are meant to be?” the driver asked, seeming nervous as he looked at the boy in the back through his rear view mirror once again.

Kai didn’t answer, looking back at the driver and back out the window. The driver took his silence as a yes, driving on into the darkness of the night.

Arriving this late wasn't what he planned. He never planned to arrive anywhere really but as the driver left, the lights of his car draining out into the dead of night.

There Kai stood, staring up at an isolated building. There was nothing around, just a decently sized house.

The outside walls were a faded white, looking almost dirty. The door was a deep red, almost so dark that it looked black. The plants outside were all dead, withered and wilted. The number 13 nailed to the door with rusted number plates barely visible at a simple glance.

To put it simply, it didn't look a pleasant place to be but when one is in a situation like Kai’s, anywhere to live would be made a home no matter how discomforting the place may be.

Kai knocked twice, stepping back on the doorstep as he waited. The hairs on his arms stood up, shiveres rushing down his spine. It felt as if something were telling him to leave but he ignored it. He had no choice but to ignore it.

A few seconds later, the door cracked open, the eyes of three boys looking at him from a darkened corridor.

They didn't say anything. They stood and stared in silence.

One thing Kai did realise was the fear painted in the eyes of every single one of them.

A fear he recognised but once again chose to ignore.

One stepped forward, his eyes darting to the left and right as if to check if he were being watched. Breaking the silence, he whispered something too quietly to be audible.



And welcome to the new series of hell. I know this section is short but I promise once the real chapters start they are much more interesting (I hope).

Votes and comments are appreciated, I'd love to hear your opinions :)

Lots and lots of love <3

~Author C

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