Chapter 9- My rules

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The familiar sound of keys in the lock jangled, the house once again locked for the evening. Yeonjun strolled back into the room, everyone aside from us in their bedrooms, hopefully asleep. I was only allowed out because Yeonjun had asked me to.

Rule 1- Once Yeonjun comes home in the evening, you may only be out of your room if he requests you

"So you spoke to Kai did you?" Yeonjun asked, sitting beside me on the sofa.

He already knew I had. Despite having not been at home when it happened, he heard. I told you he had eyes everywhere. Ears everywhere.

The fire in front of us roared, the amber light flooding the otherwise darkened room. To many, it would feel cosy, warm, a safe place perhaps but for me it wasn't quite that.

"Uh, yeah I did" I replied, avoiding his gaze.

"Don't act as if you've done something wrong Soobinnie" Yeonjun comforted, using his hand to turn my face to look at his, his fox-like eyes staring through me.

"I wasn't," I quickly replied.

Yeonjun didn't like being left unanswered

RULE 2- If Yeonjun speaks to you, speak back, don't take too long and definitely no arguing against him

"You didn't break any of my rules, you did well" Yeonjun praised, his sharp eyes softer than usual.

"I'm glad" I admitted, pulling my face out of his hands.

"You really make me regret things sometimes," Yeonjun sighed as he leant back into the velvety cushions.

"Really?" I asked, my voice hopeful for some strange reason.

It wasn't often that we would communicate in a 'positive' way. Maybe that was why. It really wasn't often that Yeonjun flipped his nice switch. It was almost disturbing when he did, almost as if it were an act that he liked to put on.

"No not really, but hey now, you're my little bunny, you'd never hate me for anything I've done" Yeonjun added matter of factly.

And there it was, the mean switch everlasting. He would never regret anything anyway. If anyone would have known that, it should have been me.

I gulped and looked away. He always made me uncomfortable somehow.

"Does that nickname still get you even after everything, wooooowwww~ well isn't this fun" Yeonjun teased, pushing himself closer to me, his hand resting on my leg.

I hated having to admit to myself how he made my heart flutter. He isn't someone I should be able to like. You may not know why yet, I promise, the answer will find you when the time is right.

In my head, my body tensed but on the outside I didn't move.

RULE 3- If Yeonjun touches you, allow it. Do not move away or argue against it. Always let him do as he pleases

My backstory concerning Yeonjun is rather...lengthy and you know, I just don't trust you yet. Not you, not Kai, not Beomgyu or Taehyun or even...myself.

All I can tell you is that Yeonjun always has a reason. When I first moved in here he was all over me with affection and kindness but when he had enough he decided to use my love for him as a weapon against myself.

He really made me love him, really thinking back now I must have been blind to miss how he really is.

When you finally know the full story there is one question you'll all be asking

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