06. | hidden talent

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nini beamed at ricky's words, feeling her anxious thoughts dissolve. ricky enveloped her small frame in a comforting embrace, resting his chin atop her head. while nini found solace, ricky couldn't contain his own fears. nini was the one thing that stayed constant in his life, and the thought of losing her was unfathomable. if he had harbored a crush on her in the past, what were the odds of those feelings resurfacing? he vowed not to jeopardize their relationship, determined to make this summer unforgettable as both would be heading to college next year.

"so, are you ready to show off your insanely talented songwriting skills?" ricky pulled away from the hug, excitement dancing in his eyes.

nini rolled her eyes, meeting ricky's gaze. somehow, he was the only person who could coax her into sharing her songs. not even ej could manage that.

"i guess i have to," nini replied with a playful, sarcastic tone. ricky shot her an enthusiastic glance, darting to the back of the cabin to retrieve his pristine guitar. he knelt down, presenting the instrument to nini as if it were as precious as a sword.

giggling, nini accepted the guitar, adopting a regal demeanor as if she were the ruler of their imaginary realm. in a matter of seconds, her nerves evaporated, replaced by joy, all thanks to the curly-haired boy. 

ricky gently took hold of nini's wrist, guiding her away from the front door to his cabin bed, ensuring privacy in case anyone unexpectedly walked in. he understood nini's self-consciousness and wanted to respect her feelings, always reassuring her that it was a safe space for sharing her songs, though insecurities lingered.

crossing his legs, ricky settled on his bed, focusing entirely on the brunette girl. a broad smile adorned his face as he eagerly anticipated her performance. nini already had a song in mind, written just a few days ago when their senior year concluded and she found herself in a melancholic state. releasing a breath, she began to strum the opening chords.

nini kept her focus on her fingers, deliberately avoiding eye contact with ricky as she concentrated on the chords. she knew that looking at him would throw her off, as he always had a knack for distracting her—something she appreciated in certain situations but found annoying in others.

when nini sang her final note, she cautiously looked up at ricky, finding his lips parted in surprise. typically adept at reading his expressions, she now struggled to decipher his reaction. suddenly, ricky erupted into applause, his face beaming with astonishment.

"oh my god, that was incredible, neens!" he exclaimed, still staring at her in disbelief.

heat rushed to nini's cheeks at ricky's praise, and she returned the smile as she gently placed the guitar back on the bed. ricky's unwavering support always provided a confidence boost. 

"thanks, ricky," nini replied shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears. 

"i'm serious, nini. you're so talented, and i wish you didn't hide it," ricky said, his eyes reflecting genuine admiration. 

nini smiled, shaking her head. despite wanting to believe him, a part of her wondered if he was only saying that because they were best friends.

"stop it, ricky. you're one to talk," she remarked, playfully punching his shoulder.

rolling his eyes, ricky playfully tackled her onto the bed, tickling her sides and evoking laughter. nini screamed in surprise before succumbing to giggles, and ricky couldn't help but revel in the sound, one of his favorite things about her. 

"ricky! s-stop it!" nini exclaimed between laughs, attempting to push him off, but her efforts were futile given the size difference. 

they engaged in tickle fights frequently, but given recent events, ricky couldn't shake the thought that this particular playful behavior might be fueling the dating rumors. ricky insisted that tickle fights were entirely platonic—they were just having fun.

nini giggled under ricky's touch, her cheeks flushing as her heartbeat quickened. these were typical reactions when his fingers discovered her vulnerable spots. it was a normal response, she reasoned. managing to grab hold of his wrists, her chest heaved up and down from laughter.

suddenly, the door swung open, revealing jake, ricky's camp counselor partner. clearing his throat, he interrupted the playful scene, prompting the teenagers to immediately separate, exchanging dumbfounded looks.

"uh, dinner's about to start. opening ceremony. everyone's there already, so i suggest you guys hurry up," jake stated before abruptly closing the door. once the door shut, both of them burst into laughter.

"talk about a grumpy-pants," ricky joked as he stood up, offering his hand to nini.

laughing, slightly breathless from the tickle fight, nini gladly accepted ricky's hand and stood beside him. during their short walk to the dining hall, they continued their conversation until they reached the iconic building. before entering, ricky raised his arm to block nini's way, prompting her to look up at him in confusion.

"we're still doing our traditional night hike tonight, right?" ricky confirmed, locking eyes with nini.

on the first night at haven pines, ricky and nini always embarked on a night hike once their campers were asleep, sharing a quiet moment under the stars. it provided comfort for both, as they used the stars to connect with their loved ones back home.

"of course. meet you on the trail at midnight?" nini asked, playfully pointing a finger toward his chest.


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