Act 1.

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Theo's Pov:

It was late. 8, 9 maybe? it didn't matter. Boris had taken some more of his girlfriend's weed. I hated his girlfriend she was always jealous because Boris and I were closer than them. it's not my fault he liked me better. it's not my fault I'm way better at being around him than her he just uses her for weed. We were super high, like the kind where you stare at a wall and see it as entertaining or you microwave something and watch it for the full duration instead of doing something productive.

I remember sitting there watching the clothes scattered around on Boris's floor like it was the Olympics or something when somebody knocked on the front door. this was rather uncommon as both mine and Boris's houses were out in the middle of nowhere. His dad wouldn't have knocked, and mine doesn't know where he lives. so it was a rather interesting endeavor walking down the stairs to see who possibly could be at the front door.

To my dismay and Boris's delight, it was Kotku his girlfriend. She had seemed upset, I didn't care, I just wanted her to go away because it was my turn with Boris. I hadn't seen him all week because Kotku was too needy and clingy I finally got a turn and she interrupted it. Although according to her I was interrupting her time with Boris.

I didn't focus on a lot of what was said I was mostly focusing on how Boris always looked upset or angry it was his default face to just be annoyed I thought it was silly, what I did notice though, was Kotku start blabbing about me

"Theo keeps taking you away from me!" it wasn't true it was all bullshit everybody knew she was spouting bullshit

"I told you Kotku I am hanging out with Potter today he was feeling very lonely" he said whining slightly when he said the word "very"

"I don't care! I want you!" she sounded like Veruca salt from willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. a whiney brat who wanted everything she couldn't have.

I was pretty out of it at this point, I didn't care for hearing them argue about me, let alone hear it when I'm high out of my mind. so I simply slipped out the back door while they had a screaming match. I didn't care to tell Boris, he'd find out eventually. I walked home, probably a mistake as I was barely functional and everything had seemed hilarious to me at the time. but I made it to my house surprisingly I opened the door not caring to check if my dad's car was home, or at least too high to notice even if it weren't there.

Word count: Four Hundred Sixty

Boreo// im bsing my way through thisWhere stories live. Discover now