~Bad Day~ Platonic!Honeyfern x GN!reader

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Y/N took a step forward stalking a mouse carefully. It had been a rough leaf-fall so far keeping this in mind Y/N took note of everything to make sure they were playing it safe. One more step couldn't hurt, right? Maybe just a mouse-length. Y/N reasoned in their mind. Taking one more step closer to the juiciest piece of prey they'd seen in days. However, the sound they heard next made their stomach churn instead. *CRUNCH* Underneath their paw lay a small pile of now fragmented sticks and leaves. The mouse scattered away as Y/N made a hopeless pounce in an effort to nullify their mistake. Once landed Y/N let out a frustrated sigh. Y/N started to head back to camp digging up a catch they made earlier. Entering camp a familiar face greeted them, Honeyfern, Y/N's best friend. Setting down the shrew in the fresh-kill pile Y/N sat down to chat with the golden she-cat.

"How'd hunting go?" Honeyfern asked. Y/N let out a frustrated sigh once again.

"Horrible. Hunting for what felt like moons just to bring back this pitiful shrew." Y/N complained.

"I don't think it's that bad." Honeyfern tried to reason.

"Are you kidding? It couldn't even feed one of Millie's kits." Y/N huffed.

"Prove it. Split it with me." Honeyfern challenged. Y/N twitched their ear in confusion.

"Don't you want to share prey with Berrynose?" Y/N questioned. Honeyfern purred in amusement.

"Berrynose won't miss one meal. He'll be fine." Honeyfern assured them.

Carrying the shrew near the entrance of the warriors' den they sat. The both of them finished the shrew quite quickly yet it still made a decent meal much to Y/N's surprise.

"See? It wasn't that bad." Honeyfern said trying to make Y/N feel better.

"It may not have been bad but it still won't cut it," Y/N stated.

"What do you mean?" Honeyfern asked.

"Leafbare is right around the corner! A tiny shrew may have been enough now but what about then? I can't let cats starve because of my shortcomings!" Y/N exclaimed.

"Y/N, cats won't starve because of one warrior's bad day. This shrew was enough for now right?" Honeyfern reasoned.

"Yes but-" Y/N started to speak but was cut off.

"Look at it this way, if you can do one good thing, even if it's for yourself, then today was a success. Even if you don't do anything good there's always tomorrow." Honeyfern stated. Y/N stayed silent. "If you think your hunting skills are dull then I'd be happy to help!" She offered.

"Thank you Honeyfern," Y/N said, confusing Honeyfern.

"For what?" She asked.

"For always being there for me. You're always there to cheer me up."

"Aww. You're welcome Y/N." Honeyfern accepted the thanks bashfully. Getting up Honeyfern headed towards the entrance of camp. "Come on! Let's go catch some more prey before sundown."

Heading out of camp Y/N looked over at their best friend. Knowing that even on the worst day, there would always be a ray of hope beside them.



Word Count: 526

Time Spent: 2 1/2 hours

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Honeyfern was super hard to research so I'm glad it was a platonic oneshot lol. Super happy this is done.

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