~Candlelight~ Juno x Male!Reader

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Y/B - Your breed


After rehearsal was done everyone stayed behind to help clean, one scene in particular left quite a lot of mess. Eventually, though all that was left behind was Juno, a grey wolf and a main actress, and Y/N, a Y/B wolf who usually worked behind the scenes but sometimes was chosen as an understudy, left to do the last bit of cleaning. After almost everyone left Juno's cheery exterior soon deteriorated into a very quiet, solemn, person.

"Something wrong?" Y/N asked politely. Juno quickly perked her ears and turned towards you.

"No, everything's alright." She reassured, "It's just, I'm worried about the Meteor Festival. Do you think everything will go smoothly with us?" She pondered aloud. Y/N blushed slightly.

"Us?" He asked.

"The club. We're supposed to do a performance and we haven't even practiced, what if we mess up?" She posed the possibility. Y/N was taken aback it was certainly plausible but would it really have that much effect to shake Juno that much?

"Nothing would happen to us. Our club is the heart of the school!" He reassured her. "The idea is even far-fetched, I mean it's you performing I'm sure it'll all be fine even if there is a mishap." He explained.

"You're right, maybe I'm just overthinking it. Thanks." Juno flashed a smile before taking her leave as well. Y/N's heart fluttered at the sight until he realized something truly tragic. He spun around to see the rest of the gym still in need of cleaning.

"How did I get stuck with this?" He spoke to himself.

-time skip-

Setting up for the meteor festival wasn't an easy task but luckily everyone involved in the drama club was helping. Y/N and Juno were working on some of the finishing touches before the festival began that night.

"I hope this turns out okay," Y/N said failing miserably to hide his nervousness. He didn't realize just how many people would be there.

"I'm sure it will! I mean you're the one working on it." Juno complimented with a smile. Y/N didn't know if it was just her composure but her smile made him shake the nervousness from his mind.

Hours had passed, the two finished early on the set and decided to grab some lunch. After that, they changed for the festival. Y/N didn't really know why he was going, he didn't really want to, but there was one lingering thought in his mind- what if Juno wants to light a candle with me? It was the driving force this week for the love-struck Y/B wolf. He got one chance and he wasn't about to waste it. Juno for whatever reason decided not to perform on stage which was confusing in its own right. She wore a red dress with flowers as accessories. While the festival was in full swing, she saw you. Running over to Y/N he felt that same rush of nervousness, was he really going to confess tonight? Meeting in front of the large, lit, meteor he noticed Juno hiding something behind her back.

"Hey Y/N I wanted to talk to you," Juno said, her words held some weight but she still said them in the same sweet tone. Y/N wasn't sure if he was stunned or overwhelmed but he nodded quietly in reply. "I brought this for us." She said revealing an unlit candle behind her back. "They say couples who place lit candles here last forever. I'd like to light it with you Y/N!" She finished. Y/N was stunned. He simply didn't know what to say. Juno slowly held out a lighter with her other hand. "So?" She nudged politely.

"I thought you'd never ask." Y/N finally responded after what seemed like forever. Lighting the candle they both placed it upon the small shelf circling it, staring lovingly at each other as a whole new journey was about to unfold.


Requested by: FaZeForte

Not gonna lie I should've had this out WAY sooner but life just got in the way. Anyway, I'm back.

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