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Warning: This entire book will contain swearing and a bit of detailed violence.

And yes, I know that "It's the end of the world as we know it" was released in 1987 but it's a great song so just go with it.

Italics=sing lyrics (mostly)

"It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine

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"It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine."

      Sage Harrington has always been different from her older brother Steve.  Steve has always been popular since he started high school, Sage never has been popular.  Steve was the type of person that everyone knew who he was, Sage has never been known throughout school.  Some people knew Sage while others have no idea she even existed.  Steve had a decent sized friend group, Sage kept to her little group of friends.  Her best friend Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, and Dustin Henderson.

"Six O' clock, T.V hour, don't get caught in foreign tower."

(In the next paragraph, I am making a few things up.  Like when Steve got the title Steve "the hair" Harrington.)

When the siblings were younger, they were attached by the hip.  Steve and Sage did everything together since the day Sage learned to walk, even though Sage is four years younger than him.  Then came the first year of high school for Steve.  That year, he got the title of Steve "the hair" Harrington, that was the year he gained his popularity, that was the year he basically completely forgot about Sage.  The girl was moved to the very bottom of his priority list.  Girls, popularity, friends, school, then his own sister.  That was the year that Sage became %100 part of "The Party", not just %75 part, fully part of "The Party".

"It's the end of the world as we know it (I had some time alone)."

If someone asked Lucas how well he knew his best friend Sage, there's not a doubt he would say that he knew everything about the girl. That's how their friendship was, Lucas knew everything about Sage, and Sage knew everything about Lucas. Well Lucas knew almost everything. He knew she liked more boy things rather than girl things, she played D&D, she watched sports, just in general things normally girls don't like. That included girls. Yep, Sage's big secret is that she's a lesbian. She never told Lucas, Steve, or her parents. That's how she planned on keeping it.

"The other night I drifted nice continental drift divide."

Then came a certain red headed girl from California, that just so happened to beat Sage's Dig-Dug score, came into her life. Maybe she just happens to be the reason why Sage's big secret comes out.

  Maybe she just happens to be the reason why Sage's big secret comes out

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The end of the world as we know it |Max Mayfield|Where stories live. Discover now