Cherry pt. 2

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Max's pov

It was finally 6:30. No one was home. Everyone called and said they wouldn't be home tonight. Shocker. It didn't bother me though because maybe y/n would come over after our date and we might need some privacy. Anyways I got ready and I wore jeans and a plain white long sleeve shirt. Now I was about to head out. I got on my skateboard and left.

Y/n's pov

I was about to get ready to leave and I was wearing white jeans and a red t-shirt with a leather jacket. My parents and my brother, Harvey, knew I was going and they were happy for me. It was time to leave now so I hopped on my bike and left.

Max's pov

I finally arrived but I didn't see y/n. It didn't bother me only because I was a bit early so I just waited at the front of the mall. I was still waiting when I felt someone grab me from behind and hug me. "Ahhhhh!" I screamed and then slapped them. I turned around and saw who it was and immediately apologized. Fuck.

Y/n's pov

I arrived and I saw Max so I decided to scare her. I went up and hugged her from behind which earned me a slap. She turned around and realized it was me. She apologized but I just laughed my ass off. "Cherry, it's fine. I wanted to scare the shit out of you. I knew I would probably get smacked." I said. "Ok but are you sure you're ok?" She asked "Um no. But I will be." I said. "Ok. Come on smooth talker. Let's go." Max said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the counter where you pay. She got m&ms and I got skittles. We both got out our money at the same time and looked at each other. "Um no. Put your money away. I'm paying." I said. "No. You're not. I am. I mean I did slap you." She said. "Oh yeah? Well I got slapped. Doesn't matter I'm still paying." I said "Wel-" Max tried to say but got cut off.

Max's pov

"Wel-" I tired to argue back but got cut off. But not by y/n, by the girl working behind the counter. "First date?" The girl asked. We both knew that most people didn't approve of gays so we didn't really know what to say. "Well um no." I said. "N-no. Of course not."
Y/n said. "It's cool guys I'm a lesbian." The worker said. "Oh ok well yeah this is our first date." I said and y/n smiled "Yeah I can see that. Here just let me pay and you two go enjoy your movie." The girl said. "Oh no really it's fine." Y/n said. "I'm paying or you guys don't go in." The girl said "Thank you. By the way do I know you? You look really familiar." I said "Um I'm Robin. You may know me from scoops ahoy. I'm usually working there with Steve Harrington but tonight they were short on staff so I said I'd help. Now Stevie boy's mad I left him all alone." Robin said

Y/n's pov

"Oh Steve Harrington's my brothers best friend." I said "Oh Harvey?" Robin asked. "Yep." I said "Cool well you girls enjoy your movie." Robin said "Thanks. And thanks for paying." Max said. "Yeah thank you." I said "No problem." Robin said as we walked into the theater. We walked into day of the dead and sat down. I purposely picked a scary movie for the hand holding and maybe some thigh grabbing. What? Honestly what did you expect me to say? I'm a horney 15 year old. Some thigh grabbing would be nice. Now hear me out sex is not my intention. I don't want to push Max into anything she doesn't want. I just want to show affection. Anyway we sat down in our seats and the movie started.

Max's pov

I get scarred really easily and this was a scary movie so I imagined we would hold hands and other...stuff. Anyways a scary part came on and I immediately grabbed y/n's hand. We both blushed and I got butterflies. "Is this ok?" I asked "Yeah you're good." Y/n said looking at me and smiling. It was later in the movie and I decided to make a bold move. I slid my hand out of y/n's and put it on her thigh. She immediately blushed and so did I. We watched the rest of the movie and finally it was over. We walked out of the mall and I got on my skateboard. "Hey do you maybe wanna come over to my house and stay the night? No one's home." I said

Y/n's pov

"Oh uh yeah. But I don't have any clothes." I said "Oh that's fine. Just use mine." Max said smiling "Ok. Thanks." I said and got on my bike. We road all the way to Max's house and then went inside. We went to her room and sat on her bed. "You're rooms cool." I said. "Thanks." Max said "So um I had a really good time tonight." I said "Me too. I really like you y/n." Max said "Ok well do you wanna um maybe be my uh...girlfriend?" I asked looking down ready for her to say no. "Yes!" Max said and hugged me. "Really?" I said looking up shocked "Yeah. Why else would I go on a date with you?" Max asked "I don't know." I said. "I'm so happy I get to call you my girlfriend." Max said "I'm so happy I get to call you mine." I said smiling at her.

Max's pov

We looked into each other's eyes as we sat on my bed. Y/n is most beautiful person I have even seen. I glanced down at her lips but when I looked back to her eyes she was starting at my lips. I decided to do it. I kissed her. The kiss was slow and long. I cupped her cheek with my hand and she placed her hand on my thigh. We pulled away and smiled. "I like kissing you." Y/n said "Well that's good." I said and y/n made a fake offended look. "Wooooow. So you don't like kissing me? Shameful." Y/n said and I tried my best not to laugh. "Yes I like kissing you." I said. "As you should." Y/n said crossing her arms. "Yea, yeah." I said laughing "Hey what's your last name?" Y/n asked "Mayfield?" I said confused "Well be prepared for that to change in...3 years." Y/n said "Oh so we're getting married are we?" I asked "Yep." Y/n said "Fine by me. Good night y/n." I said getting under the covers as she did the same. "Good night Cherry." Y/n said and we fell asleep cuddling. The next morning I woke up and y/n was starting at me. "Good morning." She said "Good morning." I said "Max Mayfield, before we started dating I promised you that when we did start dating I would tell you you are beautiful everyday. And I will live up to that promise. Max Mayfield, you are beautiful." Y/n said and she did live up to her promise. We got married at 18 and my new name is Max Y/l/n and not one day in my life has she not told me that I was beautiful. I love Y/n Y/l/n.

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