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Y/n's pov

"Heyyy!" Max yelled as she just walked into my room

"Um hey? What are you doing here?" I asked confused because Max didn't tell me she was coming over

"Excuse me? That is no way to talk to your best friend. And I'm here because you and me are going to a party tonight." Max said smirking

"No. Max no. Last time we went to a party you got drunk. You're not even old enough to drink. If someone found out we could've gotten in serious trouble. And it's a school night." I said

"Please. I won't drink and we'll have fun. Plus it's not like we have a test or anything tomorrow." Max said shrugging

"No." I said

"Please please please please." Max said getting on her knees and begging

"Fine. But I swear if you get drunk-"

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Max said hugging me so tight I couldn't breathe "You are the bestest friend ever."

"Alright come on. Let's get dressed." I said sighing


We arrived at the party and walked inside. Everyone was drinking or making out and it smelled like Cheetos, beer and sweat.

Me and Max both cringed when we seen a couple actually fucking on the couch.

"Gross." Max said

"Eh. Gross until you're the one getting fucked." I said

"True." Max said I turned my head to look at Max but she was gone

Of course. She was probably drinking already. I went to go look for her but I couldn't find her anywhere.


It had been about an hour now and I still couldn't find Max. I was about to go upstairs to find Max until I heard her slurred voice. I turned my head and saw Max and Tommy standing by the stairs.

"Let go T-Tommy." Max said obviously drunk

He was trying to pull her upstairs and obviously he was gonna try to get some. Which is gross because he's  like five years older than Max. I won't lie, I always had a small crush on Max. But she was my best friend and I wasn't gonna let this happen to her.

"Come on cutie. It'll be fun." Tommy said trying to pull her upstairs again and Max pushed him a bit

"I- I said n-no Tommy." Max said

"I could make you feel so good though. And you could make me feel so good. Don't you wanna make me feel good. I bet you're so tight." Tommy said and that pissed me off

Now he was touching her chest and her thighs. I ran over to him and tackled him onto the floor. I punched him in the face and I'm guessing he was drunk too or I'm really strong because he was out cold after the one punch I hit him with. I stood up off him and walked over to Max.

"My hero!" Max said and threw up all over her clothes

After she threw up she hugged me obviously still drunk.

"Come on. Let's get you home." I said and I picked Max up bridal style trying now to get her vomit on me


I got Max back to my house and I didn't have to sneak in because my parents were gone for the week so I just walked in the house and up to my bedroom. I laid Max on my bed and took off her shoes.

"Y/n/n." Max said in a cute sing song voice

"Yeah?" I asked looking up at her

"Are we gonna fuck?" Max asked

"N-no." I said not expecting that question

"Well I think we should." Max said

"Ok first of all you're drunk so absolutely not. Second of all you're my best friend so absolutely not. Third of all you're a virgin and your first time should be special so absolutely not. And fourth of all I actually like you and it would be nice if you really liked me but you don't and you're just drunk and you're gonna forget about this in the morning. And that hurts. So absolutely not." I said looking down and taking off Max's socks

Max just stared at me for a second and then she spoke up.

"Well why are you taking my clothes off if we're not gonna fuck?" Max asked and I chuckled

"Because you threw up on your clothes and I don't want you to sleep with dirty clothes." I said

"You're really great Y/n." Max said and I smiled sadly

"Yeah. Can I take off your um your pants?" I asked

"Well of course silly." Max said laughing

I took off her pants and I didn't look at anything because I didn't want to be disrespectful. Max tried to take off her panties and I looked at her face.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"You can look Y/n." Max said but her words were still slurred so I knew she was still drunk so this meant nothing

"No Max. Please just let me get you changed so you can get some sleep." I said

"Fine." Max said pulling her underwear back up

"Can I take off your shirt?" I asked

"Yeah." Max said her words sounding less slurred now

It sounded like she was starting to sober up. I took off her shirt and put it in the floor. I looked up and away from her chest because again I didn't want to be disrespectful and take advantage of the beautiful girl laying in front of me. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a black pair of sweatpants and a baggy black t shirt. I laid them on the bed next to Max and sat down.

"Um Y-y/n?" Max asked sounding almost fully sober now

"Yeah?" I asked

"Can you um take off my bra? I can't reach and it's super uncomfortable to sleep in." Max said and I'm pretty sure she was sober now

"Um yeah." I said I and I reached around Max's back and unclipped her bra

It fell to the floor and her tits were now exposed. I again looked away because I didn't want to take advantage of her or be disrespectful.

"Y/n. I'm sober now. You know that. And I really do like you." Max said and I looked into her eyes

"I know Max. I like you too." I said

"Can you please fuck me?" Max asked and I giggled

"You need to get some water in you and sleep Max." I said

"Fine." Max said

I put the clothes that I picked out for her on her and she sighed. She crawled under my covers and smiled.

"Cuddle me?" She asked smiling

"Yeah." I said and crawled up by her and held her

"Can we be girlfriends?" Max asked

"I mean if you want to. I do." I said

"Me too." Max said


"Tomorrow. We're fucking. So get ready." Max said smirking

"Oh I'm ready." I said smirking

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