Quiet kid

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Y/n's pov

I never got along with people well. I was basically a bully. I was popular though so I didn't care what I had to do to stay popular. Even if that meant hurting other people mentally and physically. No one could stop me. I didn't care who it was. If you were in my way I would let you know and I wouldn't be nice about. No one could get in my way. No one. Well...there is this one red head girl- but I don't care. She didn't mean anything. Even though she's really hot and her eyes are so blue and her lips look so soft and her ass- no. No one gets in my way.

Max's pov

I've always been the quiet kid. I don't really like talking to people. I've never really wanted to talk to people either. Well I mean...except for one girl. But she's a bully. But...she's so hot. I'd let her do anything to me. I just want her to fuck the living shit out of me. Obviously that'll never happen though. But it gives me something to think about.

Y/n's pov

I was in the girls locker room in gym class. We were all changing into our gym clothes. I had everything but a shirt on and I was about to put my shirt on but I could feel someone staring at me. I was about to turn around and yell at her but when I turned around I saw the only girl that for some reason I was incapable of being mean to. Max Mayfield. She turned bright red and looked away probably thinking I would say something to embarrass her but I just gave her a seductive smirk and she blushed harder. I decided that I would tease her during gym class just to fuck with her a bit.

Max's pov

Y/n put her shirt on and walked out of the locker room. I put the rest of my clothes on and walked out too. "Alright everyone we're gonna be running laps today so everyone needs to pair up so you can have a running buddy!" Our gym teacher yelled so all of us could hear her. I figured I would just run by myself and no one would notice but then I saw Y/n running over to me and I started to sweat. "Hey loser." Y/n said smiling "Yes?" I asked kindly "You're gonna be my running buddy." Y/n said with a smirk on her face. "Well I figured I'd just run alone and no one would notice." I said shrugging "Well now you don't have to run alone." Y/n said grabbing my hand and pulling me along giving me butterflies. She finally let go of my hand and we began to run. I was a pretty fast runner but so was
Y/n. I was just a step in front of her and she run up next to me. She slapped my butt keeping her hand there for a second squeezing my ass. "Nice ass Mayfield." Y/n said with a wink and I turned bright red. No one noticed because they were too busy talking. "I don't mind if anyone touches your ass." Y/n said and then she run up to me and whispered in my ear "but that pussy is all mine." Then she winked and ran back to were she was before leaving me bright red.

Y/n's pov

Gym class finished and we all went into the locker room. I took my clothes off and I knew Max was starring at me. I smirked and watched her undress. I knew she knew I was watching her because she started to sweat and become bright red. We made eye contact and I mouthed 'stay' to her and she nodded. Everyone left and me and Max were the only one's in the locker room. Max was fully dressed and I was in just my underwear. "Come here sweetheart." I said in a sweet voice. Max got up and walked over to me. I was sitting on a bench and I pulled her down by her waist so she was now straddling me. I leaned in and put a sweet kiss on her lips. She kissed back immediately and my tongue grazed her bottom lip asking for entrance. She didn't let me in though but I knew how to get in. I squeezed her ass and she yelped slightly letting my tongue slide right in her mouth. I pulled away to take her shirt off but when I did she put her hands over her body. "Hey, hey. What's all this" I gestured to her hands covering herself up "about?" I asked "I just um I don't like my body very much." Max said softly looking down "Well I obviously do." I said "We don't have to do this if you don't want to." I said

Max's pov

"I do but-" I was cut off by Y/n kissing me with her index finger under my chin. But it wasn't like a hungry kiss. It was a sweet kiss. We both pulled away and she put her hands on my face rubbing my cheek bones lightly. "Come on Mayfield. It's obvious you don't wanna do this." Y/n said and I felt bad "I'm sorry you wasted your time on me." I said looking down "Woah, woah. Hey. I will wait for you for the rest of my life if I have to. I don't want you just for sex. I promise." Y/n said "Thanks. I'm still sorry though." I said "Hey come on. What happened? Why would you think I would use you?" Y/n asked. Here goes nothing. "Well it's just uh I've been um used in the past. And when I was eleven- no ten. Yeah when I was ten I was uh r-raped." I said with my voice cracking a bit and my eyes watering. Y/n pulled me into a hug "I am so sorry. I promise you that I will NEVER use you. And if you're not ready for sex we don't have to. I just want to be with you." Y/n said with watery eyes as we pulled out of the hug.

Y/n's pov

"Thank you." Max croaked "I want to be with you too Y/n." Max said and I smiled "So Maxine...will you be my girlfriend?" I asked "Yes." Max said looking like a blushing mess. "Good. Now come along Mayfield. I know exactly what you need." I said and Max got off of me. I put my clothes back on and she put her shirt back on. We were about to leave the locker room but I pressed a kiss to Max's lips before we walked out. We pulled away and we smiled walking out. We walked all the way to my house and went inside my bed room. I layed down on I my bed getting under the covers. "Get in here Mayfield." I said and Max walked over to me and got under the covers next to me. "Thank you." Max said "For what baby?" I asked "For not pushing me to have sex." Max said "Of course. And I meant it by the way. We won't until you're ready. Ok?" I said "Yeah. Thanks." Max said moving closer to me. She buried her head in the crook of my neck and wrapped her arms around my torso. "Good night baby girl." I said "Good night babe." Max said back and we fell asleep even though it was like 2 pm.

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