Chapter 4: Two Situations

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"I can't believe it. I'm going on a "date" with Alec. You and Chase make such a cute couple. Eek! But I don't like this Jacob kid. He's weird." Chanel blabbered on and on once I finished telling her about the whole Jacob and Chase situation. I rolled my eyes. This girl. She lay across my bed with her elbows propped up, resting her chin on her palm.

"He is not weird." I replied, defending Jacob.

"You like him, don't you." Chanel stated more than questioned, pointing her index finger at me. I sat on my chair, swaying back and forth.

"I do not like him like that. Come on Chanel I barely know him. Its just- he's different and I can't help but figure him out."

Chanel studied my face and then sighed. "Alright, but I still don't like him," she said firmly.

I let out a low sigh. Chanel wasn't as understanding as me. I decided to change the subject. "So what are you gonna wear tomorrow to impress Alec." I smirked and folded my arms waiting on her answer.

She faked a cough."I dress to express, not to impress. But anyways I was thinking a blouse, shorts, and sandals. You?"

Chanel and I, for the most part, had the same sense of style, except her's was total girly but mine had edge to it. "My Micky-Mouse shirt, shorts, and Jordans."

She nodded and took out her phone from her bag, which had rung while I was talking. She groaned and I instantly knew it was her mom.

"Okay mom. Bye." Chanel said, hanging up. "Mom says I gotta go." She got off my bed as I did too. I looked over at the time and it was half past seven.

"You need a ride?" I asked as we walked down the stairs.

"No, Danny's on his way."

Chanel slipped on her shoes and I just wore my flip-flops and we both walked out to the front porch. The sun was setting down behind the hills, that were at least a mile across my house. Within that space, there was just open grass land and a small pond that glowed from the light reflecting on it. It was really quiet here, mainly because I was the only teenager living down the whole street of houses. Most kids from school lived by the hills or behind them. But the view from here was more beautiful than anything.

I heard a trucks engine approaching, more specifically Danny's Ford driving up the street. I could make out a figure in the passengers seat, but since I was practically 50% blind and in  desperate need of my glasses which wear laying perfectly on my nightstand, and the same ones I was too lazy to put on, I couldn't see for shit as to whom the person was. As the truck neared and my eyes adjusted, I could sight the same tousled brown hair anywhere- Chase.

Danny stopped the car right in front of us. Chanel give me a hug before getting into the back seat of the truck. Chase lowered the window, and I caught his eyes lowering down my body. But too bad for him, I was still in the same clothes from school.

"Hey Chase." I folded my arms over my chest as a slight breeze hit my naked skin. "Hey Danny." I looked past Chase and waved at him and he returned a smile.

"Hey!" Both of them replied in unison.

"Still remember the plan for tomorrow?" Chase asked. I nodded. How could I forget?

"What plan?" Danny asked curiously. I'm guessing Chase had never told him. He turned to Danny and started explaining the plan. This gave me the opportunity to check them out. They were in their football clothes. I could see a slight sweat on their foreheads and their hair was wet. Ah! Football practice. Coach Smith really knew how to work these boys as if they were dogs but everyone knew that it was just to physically prepare the boys. When coach isn't coaching and yelling out drills, he's actually pretty chill and funny.

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