Chapter 2: Typical Day

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I woke up quite late hence the sun was already out and shining bright through my window. I picked my head up off the bed and took a look at my clock that had been sitting on my nightstand for the past 3 years.

11 AM.

I rubbed my eyes getting the sleepiness and drowsiness out of them. The house was quiet just like how it was everyday. I knew my mom wouldn't be at home; she was never home, not that I liked her being home. If she were home she would be either nagging on me all day or staying in tune with just herself and oh yeah, her favorite person in the world, how could I forget about her wonderful, and amazing boyfriend, Robert. Note the sarcasm.

I hated Robert. He was the reason my mom left and divorced my dad, just so she could be "in love" again. He was the reason that made me now keep having to move from California to Colorado. He was the reason my dad was left heart broken. He was the reason I was so angry at times. He was the reason why I couldn't have a normal loving family. But funny thing is that I hated my mom even more, for leaving her family for another man.

Eventually after a year of gloomy mornings and restless nights my dad found another woman to love. They ended up getting married soon after and I wasn't keen about that either. Even though I hated my mom so much, I still didn't want my dad to marry another woman but I knew it was the right thing for him to do, at least for him to be happy for the rest of his life.

But here I am, in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Also known as my mom's place. It was nothing like my real home in LA. There I was a city girl and here I just become an ordinary town girl. The population of this town was barley over 500 and everybody knew everybody. It was a nice town though and I'd being lieing if I said I hated it. It was just different from my home in California. I attended Steamboat Springs High School as a Senior. It was my 3rd on and off again year here since I had to switch schools every 6 months The best reason to keep coming down here for me was to see my best friend, Chanel. The 6 months I'm here every year to be with Chanel, I make them count because I lack a best friend in California, especially one as great as Chanel.

Now let me stop ranting about my life and back to my current situation, oh yeah, I just woke up. I got off my bed and went into my en-suite bathroom to get this morning started. I took a quick shower and washed my hair. Once I got out, I got dressed in shorts and just a loose shirt and lazily threw my hair into a messy bun. I went downstairs, and walked straight into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl, spoon, milk, and my box of Lucky Charms. I shook out the Lucky Charms into my bowl, poured in the milk, and threw in the spoon. I grabbed the bowl and walked to the family room and grabbed the remote and took my usual spot on the couch. I turned on the TV and skipped through the channels finally landing on Avatar: The Last Airbender. Even being 18, I still loved watching almost any cartoon.

I watched the whole 30 minute episode before getting up and putting my dishes in the sink and heading upstairs. I picked up my laptop from my desk and put it on top of my still unmade bed. I hopped on and started up my laptop. The first tab I opened was wattpad, like always. I read all the comments I had received, looked at the messages in my message board, and then went to my inbox. I mainly always get the 2 same messages: "Your stories are amazing! You're such a great writer" or "Hey could you check out my story and give me some feedback?" I always thanked all my fans for their appreciation of my stories but I wasn't able to read each and everyone's story and I always end up feeling bad because I don't get the time, especially since I started senior year, everything has been heck deck; applying to colleges, keeping up my grades, boy problems, girl drama, and everything else that a teenage girl goes through in her years.

I scrolled through the rest of my inbox until my eye landed on one name in particular.


I had totally forgotten about last night ever taking place. I forgot about the jerk who trashed my stories. That jerk! I noticed he had messaged me once again. Wow. He had the guts to still message me? I clicked on his message; he sent it an hour ago. I was so ready to go off on him if he had some stupid remark to say about my stories until I read what he sent.

Him: Sorry.

Did not see that coming, especially from him. Part of me wished he would still be the jerk from last night so I could just take out my anger on him but the other part of me knew I had to accept his apology. I wandered my fingers over my keyboard until I figured out what to say.

Me: If that's a true apology then I forgive you.

Before I could even think about any thought he replied back, but in the chat box.

Him: I meant it.

Me: That's good then. So why the sudden change?

Him: What?

Me: You were an ignorant bastard last night and now you're apologizing. Why?

Him: Kind of realized I was being a jerk.

Me: Well I'm glad that you did.

Him: BTW, I still don't like your stories.

Me: It's okay as long as you don't go trashing them, we're cool.

Him: Who said anything about being cool? ;)

Me: I did! Got a problem?

Him: Yes, you!

Me: Then go explain it to someone who cares!

Him: You do.

Me: Why would I care about you? I don't even know you.

Him: Yeah you do.

Me: Not really.

Him: Your talking to me.

Me: That doesn't mean I know you.

Him: Whatever. Bye.

Really? He just leaves like that? Okay then.

Me: Bye.




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