Chapter 5: Date Not

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  • Dedicated to To all my lovely readers♥ Much love xo


I tapped my fingers on my desk, peering at the clock every other minute, which actually felt like every ten minutes. My mind was every where but it kept coming back to the thought of Mr. Tillywinkle winning the award for best technique to put kids to sleep. Seriously, a third of my class was dead asleep. This new exchange student from Germany, whose name was Frank otherwise known as FattyMcCupcakeShugabooFrank--a very long story--was helplessly snoring away to the discomfort of my sensitive ears. 

It would be an understatement to say Statistics was hard; it was utterly, horrendously gruesome. Ever since starting senior year, I kept asking myself why I chose Statistics? Oh yeah, so it would look good on your transcript and make you seem more of an intelligent person. And the icing on the cake was that the only teacher who taught Statistics was Mr. Tillywinkle, whose voice was the exact replica of any online instructions speaker. It was so monotone, dull, and annoying yet the same, that no kids, except the goody-two-shoes, could stand being awake.  The only good thing about this class was: it was the last class of the day. 

"Okay students, we have thirty minutes left of class and you may either work alone or with a group on these last few problems." In matter of seconds, you could hear the squeaks from the chairs and desks being turned and kids waking up from their naps. Even Frank woke up, wiped his drool with his arm. Disgusting! And got up to go sit with his friends.

Sigh. I wish had my friends in this class. I picked up my pencil lazily and started on the simplest looking problem.

"36 times 25 is......." I mumbled, trying to figure it out in my head because I was way too lazy to bother working it out on paper.

"900." I heard from behind me. I finished calculating and it was right.

"Thanks---oh hey, Chase." I waved at him. He smiled and pulled out Frank's seat, which was next to mine since we had double seated desks, and sat down. It took me a second to figure out that he didn't even have this class with me. "What are you doing?"

"Taking a seat next to a pretty lady."

I sent him the 'no duh' look and he just shrugged. "I was bored."

"So you just decided to drop in a math class which has no one you talk to with? Very smart decision." 

He shrugged again, but smiled. "I have you." I felt my cheeks get warm but I quickly recovered. My eyes fell on to his warm brown ones and I had to force myself to look back at the list of problems on the worksheet. "You know," he slowly started, "I don't know much about you." 

I turned to face him again. "Yeah because this is only the second time we have spoken formally." He nodded his head. I rose a brow. "But we should change that. What is that you're dieing to know about me?" I asked enthusiastically. 

He chuckled before replaying. "Dieing? No, but curious enough to know, hm....cats or dogs?"

I internally laughed at his amazing question. "Dogs. Cats are creepy." 

"Totally agree. What's your favorite movie?" He asked on. I had started working on the next problem but I knew as long as Chase was here I wasn't going to get any of it done so I opened up my binder and slid it in while I thought about the question.

"I have way too many favorites but one of my top 30s would be She's The Man." I started remembering how funny it was and then Channing Tatum devoured my mind. "Have you seen it? Channing Tatum was shirtless so many times and he's perfect, I'm so jealous of his wife. Man, he's just so sexy." I whispered the last words out. Chase's voice snapped me out of my daydream and I slowly looked at him and he seemed very amused. 

"So you got a thing for him?" 

"Not just me," I retorted, "more like the whole female population on this planet." 

He laughed. "If you say so. But here's the last question: you excited for our 'date'?" 

I turned around, facing forward and looked up as if it was a complicated question that assisted much thought. "Well I guess I am, but Chase you should know I don't like to be disappointed. You won't disappoint me right?"

Just as the bell rang, dismissing school I heard Chase mumble something I couldn't catch. We both got up out of our seats and he turned to stand right in front of me. "I don't disappoint babe."

Not only did he whisper those four heavenly words in my ear, he even threw in a seductive wink. I didn't have an initial reaction; I just stood there realizing Chase was flirting with me. He had already reached the door and turned around to face me. "Coming?" He asked, his lips twitched into a very sexy smirk.

"Uh, huh." I replied, following his lead. "So where are we meeting everyone else?" Chase and I were walking down the hall and our arms would brush every other moment when people would come from either side of us. I felt a tingly sensation every time it happened, I wonder if he did?

"Out in the parking lot. We're going in Danny's truck." He replied. A smile crept up to my face when I felt him grab a hold of my hand and pull me sharply to the left but sadly he dropped it right after we turned the side. 


To not be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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