chapter 14

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As they were walking down the hallway to put Elrond in his bed, Arwen and the twins caught up with them, Arwen was about to ask what happened when Glorfindel charged round the corner yelling that he knew Sakura was no good for Lord Elrond.

The children glared at him, they suddenly started laughing seeing Glorfindel in a pink kitty outfit, sitting on the floor, now looking miserable. "Meow, meow, meow, HISS HISS."

"For your information MY MATE fainted after I told him I was pregnant,  hmm another 24 hours it seems is needed"

Directing the laughing children towards Elronds Chambers. Sakura chuckled.

"He's never going to live this down is he?"

"Nope, no, of course not."

"Ok, now this is important."

Placing Elrond on his bed and brushing his hair from his face with a tender smile on her face. The children smiled at this.

Sakura's eyes narrowed as she looked at Aragorn.

Who was suddenly terrified.

"What are you willing to give up for my darling Arwen?"

"Naneth!" Arwen scolded

"Answer me! She is willing to give up her immortality for you. Are you willing to offer the same? Would you give up your mortality?"

"If I could I would in a heartbeat!"

Sakura smiled

"Well then I offer you a gift, you will stop aging as you are now and have the immortality of the Elves however you can still die through being mortally wounded or sickness like the Elves. Will you take it? It will be painful."

"Thank you, yes I will take it."

Arwen beamed before hugging her mother.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Sakura kissed Arwen's forehead.

"My little star I will do anything for my children, you know this. All I want is for you to be happy."

"Now I will be back shortly I need to tell Thranduil he's going to be a father again. Can you all staywith Elrond till i return i don't want him to worry"

"Of course Naneth"

Just as Sakura was about to step out the door Aragorn hugged her.

"Thank you, this gift means the world to me."

"I know. It will hurt when I do it just promise me you'll make her happy!"

"I promise."

Stepping away and towards the floo.

Arriving in Mirkwood she knew Thranduil would be busy at that time so she decided to go play the piano.

Sitting at the stool she began.

Thranduil happened to be walking past the room with his advisors.

He asked them for a moment. They waited in the doorway.

"You play beautifully my love" Thranduil spoke as Sakura played the last note.

Sakura beamed and hugged him.

"Not that I mind, but why are you here I thought you were with your parents and brother."

"I needed to speak to you."

"Well what is it moonbeam?"

Sakura smiled at him. "You are to be a father again, my love."

Gasps and grins came from the doorway as the advisors closed the door and left.

"You are sure?"

"2 months along with twins"

"Oh my moonbeam"

Thranduil leaned down and kissed Sakura with such a passion, she wasn't sure if she could stand without her legs shaking.

"Legolas is thrilled to be becoming a big brother, Elrond fainted."

Thranduil let out a booming laugh.

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