12: Expecting Why Reasonable

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By the time Isabela allowed him to set her down in the crib, Vincent was worried that the rumbling of his stomach might wake her. With delicate steps, he managed to leave the nursery, only then letting out a deep breath. Despite his hunger, he dragged himself to his room, pleasantly surprised to find a fresh, if tepid, bath waiting for him. He cleaned himself up, scrubbing away a thick level of dirt until the water was murky. Once dressed, he went in search of food.

As he descended the stairs into the foyer, Mister Grayson was opening the front door, his brothers and Thomas waiting. A smiling brunette in a simple sage day dress swept inside, offering polite thanks to the butler before turning her grin to the other men.

"Good morning, brothers," Beth dipped her head, "and Thomas."

A presence loomed behind her, blocking the soft light but failing to hide the hand he placed gently on her hip. "Will you at least let me in the house, sweetheart?"

Beth laughed lightly, stepping properly into the house, and hugging her closest brother, Bart. Her husband followed after her, shaking his head slightly, and dipping his head in apology to Mister Grayson who could now finally close the door and move out of the way as hugs and strong handshakes were exchanged. As Vincent joined them in the foyer, he opted only to nod at each of them.

Simon was the last to step forward, embracing Beth and then clapping David on the shoulder. "We were getting worried. Beth's letter said you weren't well enough to travel?" He squinted into David's face, but the look was filled with concern rather than suspicion. "Are you alright?"

His brother-in-law smiled back at him, though if asked Vincent would not have said the emotion reached his eyes. "I am, thank you. Feeling much better now, I just..." His gaze darted to Beth, and he cleared his throat.

Beth's hand moved to rest on his forearm, squeezing gently, perhaps in comfort. "It is my fault really," she said, "I insisted we wait until David was feeling better, despite it being only a mild cough. You know how we women worry." The laugh she tacked on the end lacked authenticity, but as none of Vincent's brothers pointed it out, he chose not to as well.

Beth's other hand drifted to her stomach, sitting low on her abdomen. "Might we meet the baby now?" her tone was eager, and her grip on her husband tightened slightly.

Vincent blinked.


Unfortunately, he wasn't sure what to do about his suspicions, and he stepped to the side with his mouth slightly ajar and watched them all proceed up the stairs towards the nursery. The movement left only Thomas and himself in the foyer.

The other man took a seat on one of the lower steps. "I can see the wheels in your head turning," he commented. He rested back on his elbows, stretching himself out. "A penny for your thoughts?"

A week ago, Vincent would not have dreamed of confiding in Thomas Thorne, but the man had proven himself trustworthy. They were... friends now. Vincent's jaw clenched and unclenched as he considered his options, but eventually he lowered himself onto a step as well, sitting rigidly with his hands pressed palms together in his lap.

"I... how..." He sighed. "What is the right gift for one's first niece or nephew?"

If he hadn't been studying the floor, he might have seen Thomas' eyebrow quirk. "A niece or nephew? Is it Matt's? He seems the most likely culprit!"

Eye contact was required for Vincent to stare at the other man in somewhat horrified confusion. Thomas merely shrugged. "I wouldn't have thought Simon or Bart the types to sow their wild oats, particularly without begetting heirs first."

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